South Carolina State Climatology Office

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South Carolina State Climatology Office


Year Dates
in S.C.
Category Storm Track Map Comments
1940 August 11 Beaufort, S.C. H-2 Track West-northwest track; 34 dead and $9.9 million of property and crop damage in SC. Hurricane strength winds maintained over most of coast.
1941 October 7-8 Miami, Apalachicola, FL H-2 Track Tropical storm through Ga. and S.C.; out to sea at Charleston, S.C. Heavy rain event.
1944 August 1-2 Wilmington, NC H-1 Track Heavy rains in northeastern S.C.
1944 October 19-20 Edisto Island-Charleston, SC H-2 Track Moved across Fla. into the Atlantic, entered SC as TS. $350, 000 property and crop damage. Heavy rains.
1945 June 24-25 Crystal River, FL H-1 Track Moved across Fla. and to Northeast well offshore; regained strength; gale winds and heavy rains along the S.C. coast.
1945 September 17 Savannah, GA- Hilton Head, SC H-3 Track Moved North out of Fla., offshore then North through S.C. Coastal Plain. High winds, severe flooding, one tornado; $6-7 million damage.
1946 July 5 NC/SC State Line T.S. Track Heavy rain in northeastern, S.C.
1946 October 8 Tampa-St. Petersburg FL. H-1 Track TS through lower Piedmont of S.C. Heavy rain, moderate winds.
1946 November 2-3 Palm Beach, FL T.S. Track Moderate winds and rainfall.
1947 September 24Cedar Key, FL T.S. Track Moved Northeast as extratropical storm through east-central S.C.
1947 October 8 Jacksonville, FL T.S. Track Circled north and across S.C. upper Piedmont and dissipated.
1947 October 15 Savannah, GA H-2 Track High tides, gale winds, light-to-moderate rainfall.
1949 August 28 Palm Beach, FL H-3 Track North-northeast through west-central S.C. as TS.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1870-1879.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1880-1889.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1890-1899.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1900-1909.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1910-1919.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1920-1929.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1930-1939.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1940-1949.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1950-1959.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1960-1969.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1970-1979.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1980-1989.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 1990-1999.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 2000-2009.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: 2010-2019.

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