DNR News** Archived Article - please check for current information. **
March 22, 20164th Annual SCDNR Youth Bass Fishing Championship held on Lake Murray March 19

Youth anglers from around South Carolina descended upon the Midlands for the 4th Annual SC Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) Youth Bass Fishing Championship. 74 boats from 42 schools launched on Lake Murray from Dreher Island State Park on March 19th. The threat of rain and severe weather loomed, but anglers fished under warmer and dryer weather than expected. 60 angler pairs brought fish to the scales at the Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic at the SC State Fairgrounds in the Grand Stand.
Trophies, medals, plaques and Abu Garcia and Berkley fishing gear were awarded to the winners. Bailey Cobb and Alex Maddox from Ninety Six High each received two checks, one from Huk Performance Fishing Gear and one from Berkley. Each check is a $250 scholarship to the college or technical school of their choice for the heaviest bag of fish for top ranked high school two man team pair. All participants received a commemorative t-shirt sponsored by Lake Murray Country. Championship bragging rights went to the following:
Biggest Fish
- Middle School: Manning Felder of Conway Middle with 7.32 pounds
- High School: Bryson Glenn at Dixie High with 7.4 pounds
Two Man Teams-Middle School
- 1st: Noah Jones and Manning Felder of Conway Middle with 16.87 pounds
- 2nd: Hudson Dix and Thomas Stanton of Greer Middle with 16.85 pounds
- 3rd: Jacob Butts and Torry Kelley of Crescent Middle with 13.69 pounds
Two Man Teams-High School
- 1st: Bailey Cobb and Alex Maddox of Ninety Six High with 21.2 pounds
- 2nd: Bryson Glenn and Laython McLean of Dixie High with 21.03 pounds
- 3rd: Hunter Weber and Jacob Dover of Broome High with 18.06 pounds
Overall School Team Award-Middle School
- 1st: Dixie Middle with 26.25 pounds
- 2nd: Southside Middle with 18.64 pounds
- 3rd: Conway Middle with 16.87 pounds
Overall School Team Award-High School
- 1st: Dixie High with 36.77 pounds
- 2nd: Broome High with 31.92 pounds
- 3rd: Mid-Carolina with 31.65 pounds
For Championship details and photos, visit https://www.dnr.sc.gov/aquaticed/youthbass/tournaments4.html or the SCDNR Youth Bass Fishing Facebook page at www.facebook.com/youthbass

Interested in forming a bass fishing club at your school? All you need to do is get a minimum of six students (within the 11-18 year old range) with dues paid and you can have a Youth Bass Fishing Club. You'll also need an adult at your school to help lead the club, provide advice and help arrange at least two club tournaments, fundraisers, speakers and other learning sessions pertaining to fishing for club meetings. The Youth Bass Fishing Clubs is a product of a partnership between the S.C. Department of Natural Resources, The Bass Federation of South Carolina and B.A.S.S with help and support from parents, teachers, school districts, local bait and tackle shops, community partners, and Pure Fishing.
Find out more at https://www.dnr.sc.gov/aquaticed/youthbass/ or by contacting DNR Aquatic Education Coordinator at (803) 737-8483 or AquaticEd@dnr.sc.gov.