DNR News** Archived Article - please check for current information. **
January 28, 2016Second annual coyote workshop planned for Webb Wildlife Center March 23-24
The S.C. Department of Natural Resources, in conjunction with members of the South Carolina Trappers Association, will host a Coyote Trapping and Management Workshop at the Webb Wildlife Center in Hampton County on March 23-24.

The workshop will start at 1 p.m. Wednesday and end at about 5 p.m. on Thursday. Previous trapping experience is not required, and the workshop is especially
geared towards persons with little or no coyote trapping experience, but are eager to learn. Everyone attending will be expected to set traps and participate
with the group. This is an extended hands-on trapping workshop for individuals who want to learn to manage coyotes, and will involve extensive outdoor
participation, regardless of the weather, hot or cold, rain or shine. This workshop will cover such topics as equipment selection, trap modifications, trap
preparation, trap site selection, set making, running a trap line, and trapping safety.
The cost for the workshop is $100 and includes overnight bunkhouse-style accommodations at the Webb Wildlife Center, dinner on Wednesday, and breakfast and lunch on Thursday. The maximum number of attendees for this workshop is 30. Registration closes when 30 people have registered and paid. A waiting list will be created for cancellations and for future workshop early notifications. Applications are available online or by calling (803) 734-3609.
"This is our second coyote control workshop," said Jay Butfiloski, furbearer project coordinator for the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR), "and though we offered quite a number of three-hour programs across the state last year, and will continue to do so this year, based on the demand and the feedback from last year’s participants, we have decided to again offer the longer day-and-a-half coyote control program."
Currently, another series of coyote seminars are anticipated to be held throughout the state this year. More sites and locations are expected to be added. Find a location near you. For information on coyotes in South Carolina and the rules and regulations associated with controlling them, call (803) 734-3886.