DNR News** Archived Article - please check for current information. **
Deer hunts for mobility impaired hunters to be held in the UpstateAugust 16, 2016
Mobility impaired hunters will again be treated to a unique opportunity to attend two special deer hunts this year on about 60 well-managed and exclusive, private tracts of land in the Upstate. The hunts are scheduled for Oct. 28-29 in Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union counties, and on Nov. 4-5 in Laurens and Newberry counties.

Two special deer hunts for mobility-impaired hunters will be held this fall in the Upstate. Each hunt will consist of a noon lunch and hunting on Friday afternoon and Saturday mornings. There is no cost to participants for these hunts. (DNR photo)
Applicants can apply for one or both hunts. There is no application fee or other cost associated with these hunts. Each hunt will consist of a noon lunch and hunting on Friday afternoon and Saturday mornings. After the noon lunch on Friday, all participants will then disperse to their assigned hunt sites.
Applications for these special hunts are available from: Union DNR Office, 124 Wildlife Drive, Union, SC 29379, telephone (864) 427-5140, fax (864) 427-8460; or the DNR Columbia Office, PO Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202, telephone (803) 734-3886. You can also download an application from the DNR website at www.dnr.sc.gov/hunting/mobilityhunt. Completed applications must be received at the Union DNR Office by 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12.
Applicants for these hunts are carefully screened and are restricted to persons who are permanently and severely mobility impaired. These include only those who are permanently confined to a wheelchair, persons permanently requiring the use of a mechanical aid (walker, braces, cane, etc.) to walk, or persons with complete single or double leg amputations. Each hunter may be accompanied by one other person who can participate in a non-hunting capacity.
These special hunts are co-sponsored by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR), which will handle the application process, notification of successful hunters, and other correspondence. A number of generous landowners and managers will accommodate hunters on their properties this year during these special hunts. Additional hosts may be added prior to the hunt.
OCT. 28-29
Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union County Hunt
Cherokee County
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Cooper Arcon Land & Timber, LLC
Mr. Brian Randolph Randolph Property
Mr. Dan White Cedar Ridge Hunt Club
Spartanburg County
Mr. Wayne Barnes (Stewart Johnson) Jimmie's Creek Far
Mr. Bill Burton Atchley Farm
Mr. Harold Campbell Campbell Property
Mr. Larry Cook Booger Den Hunt Club
Mr. John Floyd Gordon Farms
Dr. George Graham Tri G Gun Club
Mr. Hunter West (George D. Johnson, Jr.) - Magnolia
Mr. Wayne High Little Tyger Hunt Club
Mr. Darrell Merchant Cross Anchor Hunt Club
Mr. John Montgomery Hacker Creek Farms, LLC
Mr. Steve Pettit Four T's Hunt Club
Mr. Sam Shackelford III Riverside Hunt Club
Mr. Curtis Stacy Police Hunt Club
Mr. Bob Sweeney Cross Anchor Farm
Dr. David Weir Weir Property
Union County
Mr. Ty Cheek Pea Ridge Hunt Club
Mr. Gordy Darby Hickory Hills Hunt Club
Mr. Wayne Garner U. S. Sportsmen's Club
Mr. Dan Hess (Donnie Loftis) Padgett's Creek Reserve
Mr. Hunter West (George D. Johnson Jr.) - Tyger Ranch
Mr. Bob Jeter Chufa Ridge Farm, LLC
Mr. Steve Koskela Laura Lyn Farm
Mr. Donnie Loftis Rabbit Road Hunt Club
Mr. Tarri McKinney Delta South WMA
Mr. Walter Oates Triangle 113 Farm
Mr. John Odell Allen Farm
Mr. Ron Roberts Beulah Creek Hunt Club
Mr. Terry Shockley Trophy Buck Hunt Club
Mr. Frank Sistare Fairforest Timber Company
Mr. Jeff Strickland Strickland Property
NOV. 4-5
Laurens and Newberry County Hunt
Laurens County
Mr. Charles Blackmon Blackmon Farm
Dr. Wallace Boyd Quaker Creek Farm
Mr. Larry Brehmer Brehmer Farm
Mrs. Jackie Burns Buckhorn Farms
Mr. Ricky Childers Benjamin Property
Mr. Tom Davis - Davis Property-Hog Pen
Mr. John Farmer Farmer Property
Mr. Steve Frantz Southern Timber Associates
Mr. Barrett Holmes Holmes Farm
Mr. Tim Howard Sugar Flat Hunt Club
Mr. Mike Johnson The Clinton House Plantation
Mr. Steve Johnson Johnson Farm
Mr. Charles McKinney McKinney Property
Mr. Wade Pitts Pitts Place
Dr. Gus Ramage Ramage Properties
Mr. Danny Roach Pacolet Milliken Enterprises
Mr. Dave Schemm Triple S Hunt Club
Mr. Stan Schoemer Red Oak Hunt Club
Mr. Todd Scott Cabin On the Water
Mrs. Penny Spearman Spearman Property
Mr. Bryson Thomason Fuller Gray Farm
Mr. Hobart Trotter Davis Property
Mr. Jim Watson Indian Creek Hunt Club
Dr. Derrick Wessinger Hurricane Hunt Club
Dr. Claude Woollen Woollen Farm
Newberry County
Mr. Chris Cleveland Good Old Boys Club
Mr. Terry Cotney Lester Estate
Mr. Rusty Harter Piedmont Conservation Club
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Jones Mudlick Lodge
Mr. John McCauley Belfast Hunt Club
Mr. Gary Stephens Belfast WMA
Mr. Otis Taylor The Scott Place (TCA)
A number of organizations are also co-sponsoring these events and provide financial support or assistance in various other ways. These co-sponsors include the Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund, Georgia Pacific Corp., Carolina's Fence Association, South Carolina Disabled Sportsmen, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Sprinkle Prosthetics, the Upstate Warrior Solution, South Carolina Wildlife Law Enforcement Officers Association and the South Carolina DNR's Take One Make One program. A significant number of volunteers are involved whose individual personal assistance is vital to the success of these events.
"Aside from the opportunity to hunt deer on some of the most well-managed and exclusive properties in the Upstate, another important benefit of these events is the opportunity to develop friendships and fellowship among those who have similar disabilities, said Gerald Moore, DNR wildlife biologist in Union. We are pleased to cooperate with the various hosts and sponsors of these hunts in assisting those people who are able to take definite steps to pursue their outdoor interests in spite of their disabilities."
Moore encourages all qualified mobility impaired persons interested in hunting to apply. "It is certainly a great opportunity, he said, and all interested sportsmen and sportswomen who are mobility impaired should try to take advantage of it."
by Greg Lucas
Media Relations Coordinator - Upstate
Office of Media & Outreach
Area | Personnel | Number |
Coastal, Midlands | David Lucas | 843-610-0096 |
Marine | Erin Weeks | 843-953-9845 |
Upstate, Midlands | Greg Lucas | 864-380-5201 |
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