VII. Forest
A. General Approach
A detailed forest management plan(s) will be developed
through consultation with the SCFC. The Clemson University Department of
Forest Resources and other forest research organizations may also be
consulted in plan development. This forest management plan will be
developed to improve or protect wildlife and plant habitat, maintain a
diverse forest, assure a healthy, sustainable forest, and reach ecological
objectives. Wildlife habitat conditions, forest types, successional
stages, and management activities of adjacent lands will be considered as
they pertain to forest management of the Jocassee Gorges Ecosystem. Forest
management activities, including timber harvest, will be carried out on
appropriate sites that are not selected for some higher priority use
(watershed protection, rare and endangered element buffers, scenic
buffers, etc).
Although revenues incidental to timber harvest will be
earmarked for management of the property, timber harvest will not be
relied upon as a major funding source. Timber harvest will be conducted to
enhance habitat and biodiversity, and to sustain forest health.
Forest regeneration methods will emphasize natural
regeneration of species most suitable to a specific site. These methods
include: single tree selection, group selection, seed tree, shelterwood
and small silvicultural clear-cuts. Planting of species will be done on
sites that cannot be successfully regenerated to target species by natural
methods. It is prudent to maintain a diverse array of accepted harvesting
and regeneration approaches. For example, to maintain the rare, native
Table Mountain pine (Pinus pungens) in the Jocassee Gorges
ecosystem would require prescribed burning to achieve regeneration.
Re-establishment of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) would
likely involve even-age management with planting of seedlings for
regeneration. Even-age management will also be desirable in situations
where providing early successional wildlife habitat is a goal or in
critical watersheds where it is desirable to limit land area and access
road disturbance. Shelterwood methods with prescribed fire may be needed
to maintain oak on good quality sites (Brose et al. 1998). Group selection
or uneven-age management may be applied to regenerate shade tolerant
species or maintain mast production, while maintaining aesthetics in areas
where visual concerns are important (for example, the Jocassee viewshed).
Stand condition may dictate short-term forest
management practices. For example, approximately 21 percent of the
property was clear-cut and regenerated since 1964. Many of these stands
are white pine plantations that will need to be managed, for example by
thinning to release pines and encourage improved stands. Minimal land
disturbance would be associated with managing existing pine plantations.
Forest road access systems are already in place to manage these timber
Timber stands on Jocassee Gorges were routinely cut
under a select-cut system prior to CRI taking ownership. Additionally,
approximately 51 percent of the property has been select-cut since 1964
while under CRIs management. In 1995, bear researchers pointed out the
lack of oak regeneration and preponderance of yellow poplar on much of the
property. Forest management practices that encourage oak regeneration may
be needed to rehabilitate forests toward desired conditions.
Prescribed fire will be used as a forest management
tool. Objectives for the use of prescribed fire may include threatened and
endangered species management, habitat management, fuel reduction,
wildlife management and forest management (regeneration, site preparation,
control certain species, etc.). SCDNR will coordinate and review all burn
plans with the SCFC. Future forest management and land use planning for
the property may identify management units (or compartments) and
conceptual management priorities for each. Crescent Resources timber stand
history and records will be retained and mapped in a GIS format by SCDNR
for future planning purposes. Detailed forest management plans will be
management-unit specific and site specific. An example of a potential
management unit would be the Lake Jocassee watershed. Forest regeneration
practices in this management unit would likely be geared toward uneven-age
management practices to maintain scenic qualities of the viewshed. Certain
management units or areas may be set aside for preservation or mature
forest development. A likely area for such designation will be the
Eastatoee Gorge area. Other management units (for example, Cane Creek
drainage) may be more intensively managed to provide a diversity of forest
successional stages to benefit wildlife species.
B. Forest Management Guidelines
BMPs for the Property
Certain guidelines for forest management practices will
be developed for the property. For example, protection of streams,
wetlands and lakes will involve the incorporation of Best Management
Practices. "South Carolina's Best Management Practices" for
forestry operations (1994) will serve as a minimum requirement to protect
soil and water quality. In most cases, because of steep slopes, highly
erosive soils and known existence of unique resources, the State BMP's
will be exceeded. BMP application on the property will be site specific,
performance based and rigorous. Monitoring of the effectiveness of BMP's
in meeting stated objectives for erosion control and water quality
protection will afford managers the information necessary for adaptive
Timber harvest buffers will be developed to protect
scenic areas, threatened and endangered species and streamside management
zones (includes filtration, shade buffers, coarse woody debris, beaver
control). For example, scenic buffers for forest management will be
developed along Highway 178 and the Foothills Trail. Management units for
watershed protection around streams and lakes will be designated.
C. Forest Health
Maintaining forest health will be an important
component of forest management. Both natural and introduced disease and
pest systems play a role in plant and animal composition. Tree vigor often
affects the vulnerability of trees to bark beetle attack (Anderson, 1960).
Once pine beetles establish themselves in great number, they then can
attack more vigorous trees adjacent to infected trees. The Southern pine
beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis), black turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus
tenebrans) and the engraver beetle (Ips spp.) are native to
this area. They periodically reach high levels and can kill thousands of
acres of pines. The beetles are poor dispersers, and often beetle kills
can be avoided by cutting living green pine trees that are not yet
infested along the moving head of an outbreak. Frequent flights to
evaluate forest health will facilitate prompt control measures.
Gypsy moths (Porthetria dispar) are a European
species deliberately introduced in the U.S. in 1869 (Anderson, 1960).
Periodic outbreaks of gypsy moths deforest thousands of acres of
hardwoods. One year of defoliation does not kill most trees but repeated
defoliation results in significant losses. Gypsy moths have been
documented in the headwaters of the nearby Chattooga River in North
Carolina. It is desirable to monitor for gypsy moth activity on Jocassee
Gorges and implement control techniques when outbreaks
threaten forest health.
Leopard moths (Zeuzera pyrina) occur in the
Horsepasture area (Bunch, personal observation). They are exotics,
originating in Europe, that attack shade trees, most frequently maples and
elms (Anderson, 1960). They are not known to be as seriously damaging as
gypsy moths.
Other diseases are not native but were accidentally
introduced from importation of foreign plant material. These diseases
include American chestnut blight (which came to the U.S. on Chinese
chestnuts), Dutch elm disease, and dogwood anthracnose. As seedlings of
chestnut hybrids that are resistant to the blight become available, they
will be considered for introduction into the Jocassee Gorges area.
Emphasis has been placed on pests and diseases that
impact trees and therefore affects forest communities. It should be noted
that invasive pests and diseases, particularly exotic ones can also impact
herbaceous plants/communities and native fauna. However, there is much
less published material available on those threats and their omission is
because of lack of information.
Disease or outbreaks of pests such as Southern pine
beetles may require special forest management practices to control or
contain the damage. Diseased or storm-damaged timber will also be salvaged
in certain cases. Forest management prescriptions will be developed to
prevent disease and forest pest outbreaks through maintenance of forest
D. Wildfire Control
The SCFC will provide manpower and equipment to
suppress wildfires and investigate fire law violations. Fire management
guidelines will be developed for the property involving coordination among