Cloudy conditions on Monday preceded widespread rains on Tuesday. Blowing rain along with afternoon temperatures struggling to reach 40 degrees made it feel like a mid-winter day. By Friday morning, clearing skies brought in the season's coldest temperatures. All reporting sites except for Charleston City, Edisto Beach and Beaufort observed sub-freezing values. In only 24-hours later a warm front pushed afternoon high temperatures back into the 70's for Saturday and Sunday. Statewide temperatures for the week averaged one degree above normal.
The maximum observed temperature was 81 degrees on December 20 at Beaufort. The minimum observed temperature was 17 degrees at Cedar Creek on the morning of December 18. The heaviest 24-hour rainfall was 2.95 inches at Mullins ending 7:00 a.m. on December 16. Statewide rainfall for the period averaged 1.2 inches.
Precipitation Period 1998 Deviation* Temperature Location Total Total From Avg. Maximum Minimum Greer 0.69 50.0 0.2A 66 25 Charlotte, NC 0.59 39.0 2.9B 63 22 Columbia 1.15 45.5 3.0B 72 25 Florence FAA 2.09 42.5 0.2B 73 26 Blackville 0.60 46.6 0.8A 74 21 Augusta, GA 0.23 46.8 3.4A 74 22 Beaufort 0.62 53.0 2.7A 76 33 Charleston AP 1.22 65.3 15.0A 77 29 Myrtle Beach 1.03 57.6 6.4A 65 28 *A=Above, B=Below, E=EstimateNote: Weekly rainfall amounts are for the prior 24-hrs ending 7:00 a.m. Monday through ending 7:00 a.m. Sunday
Degree Days Actual December 1-20 Cooling Heating Columbia 14 190 Charleston 23 127 Greenville 4 254Temperatures are expected to average near normal for the week. Rainfall is expected to be near normal. The National Weather Service located at Columbia Metropolitan Airport reports an average 4-inch depth soil temperature of 58 degrees.
Rivers are near to below normal. Surf temperatures at Myrtle Beach and Savannah will average around 57 degrees.