Sunny, dry weather persisted for the entire week. Most sites in South Carolina have not had any rain in two weeks. Daily afternoon temperatures were reported in the upper 70's and low 80's. Morning low temperatures fell into the 40's and 50's. Temperatures for the period averaged near normal.
The maximum observed temperature was 86 degrees on October 15 at Beaufort and at Florence on the 18th. The minimum observed temperature was 38 degrees at Cedar Creek on the morning of October 18. Statewide rainfall for the period averaged 0.0 inches.
Precipitation Period 1998 Deviation* Temperature Location Total Total From Avg. Maximum Minimum Greer 0.00 45.3 3.5A 78 47 Charlotte, NC 0.00 35.5 0.5A 77 41 Columbia 0.00 43.1 0.9A 82 45 Florence FAA 0.00 38.4 1.3A 86 49 Blackville 0.00 45.1 3.2A 82 45 Augusta, GA 0.00 45.7 8.1A 82 43 Beaufort 0.00 50.4 5.6A 86 60 Charleston AP 0.00 63.2 18.4A 83 54 Myrtle Beach 0.00 54.7 10.7A 81 55 *A=Above, B=Below E=EstimateNote: Weekly rainfall amounts are for the prior 24-hrs ending 7:00 a.m. Monday through ending 7:00 a.m. Sunday
Degree Days Actual October 1-18 Cooling Heating Columbia 80 9 aaaa Charleston 130 0 Greenville 40 26Temperatures are expected to average near normal for the week. Rainfall is expected to be near to below normal. The Sandhill Research and Education Center in north Columbia reports an average 4-inch depth soil temperature of 73 degrees.
Rivers are near to below normal. Surf temperatus atMyrtle Beach and Savannah will average around 74 degrees. As a reminder: Daylight Saving Time will end Sunday, October 25, at 2:00 a.m.