Heavy rain events were observed throughout the week. On Monday morning, the Columbia AP measured 1.30 inches in 22 minutes. Hot weather with mid-90 degree afternoon temperatures was reported Tuesday and Wednesday. A slow moving frontal boundary initiated flash flooding rains across Charleston County Thursday morning. Rainfall rates as high as 2.09 inches in 38 minutes added to a total exceeding 4 inches in two hours. Onshore winds developed during the day Friday providing mostly sunny skies to inland sites and a few isolated thundershowers near the southern coast. Pleasant weather conditions on Saturday and Sunday included drying sunshine and upper 80-degree warmth. For the period, the state average temperature was one degree above normal.
The highest official temperature reported was 97 degrees at Eutawville on August 21 and at Orangeburg on August 22. The lowest official temperature reported was 62 degrees at Caesars Head on the morning of August 23. The heaviest official 24-hour rainfall reported was 4.54 inches at Charleston AP ending 7:00 AM on August 25. The average statewide rainfall for the period was 2.1 inches.
Precipitation Weekly Jan 1 Deviation Total Total From Avg Greer 2.92 23.25 -10.8 Columbia 2.64 27.42 -7.1 Orangeburg 0.99 26.33 -8.2 Charlotte, NC 0.30 25.94 -3.1 Augusta, GA 2.66 27.13 -4.3 Florence 1.38 32.70 1.2 Myrtle Beach 3.47 29.13 -0.6 Charleston 4.86 33.48 -2.2 Savannah, GA 1.78 22.78 -12.5 Weekly rainfall totals ending midnight Sunday.
SOIL: 4-inch depth average soil temperature: Columbia 82 degrees.
RIVERS AND SURF: South Carolina river stages were near to below normal. Ocean water temperatures near Myrtle Beach and Fripp Inlet will average from 83 to 84 degrees.