The thermometer got its first lengthy summer workout during this period. Under fourteen hour days of sun, high temperatures climbed into the upper 90's to just over 100 degrees. The only relief came late Friday night when a complex of thunderstorms developed across the Midlands and continued into Saturday morning. There were localized reports of heavy rainfalls and almost continuous cloud to ground lightning.. Mostly sunny weather and a slight moderation of the heat ended the week. Statewide temperatures for the week averaged four degrees above normal.
The highest temperature was 101 degrees at Johnston on August 8. The lowest temperature was 66 degrees at Greenwood on the morning of August 6. The heaviest 24-hour rainfall reported was 2.09" at Owens Field AP in Columbia ending at 7:00 a.m. on August 11. The average statewide rainfall for the period was 0.2".
Precipitation Period 2001 Deviation* Temperature Location Total Total From Avg. Maximum Minimum Greer 0.00 25.23 7.9B 92 69 Columbia 0.53 21.81 11.3B 98 73 Florence 0.00 22.97 6.1B 97 72 Charleston 0.01 30.67 3.2B 94 75 N Myrtle Beach 0.13 25.19 6.0B 92 73 Augusta, Ga. 0.00 26.72 3.5B 97 69 *A=Above, B=Below
Note: Weekly rainfall amounts are for the prior 24-hrs ending 7 am Monday through ending 7 am Sunday.
4 inch depth average soil temperature: Columbia 82 degrees.
South Carolina river stages were below normal.
Surf temperatures at Myrtle Beach and Savannah will average around 82 degrees.