On Monday, mid-afternoon thunderstorms passed through the state with scattered heavy rainfall amounts and reports of damaging high winds. Mostly sunny skies and near normal temperatures followed through Wednesday. Clouds and rainshowers on Thursday held temperatures in the 80's. A push of cooler air settled into the state Friday morning with several upstate counties reporting upper 50 degree low temperatures. Sunny weather on Saturday was interrupted by late day thunderstorms over the western and southern midlands. The week ended with cool mornings and warm, sunny afternoons. Statewide temperatures for the period averaged near normal.
The maximum observed temperature was 96 degrees at Calhoun Falls, Greenwood, Chester, Kershaw and Clinton on June 26. The minimum observed temperature was 54 degrees observed at Lake Bowen on June 30. The heaviest 24-hour rainfall was reported at Greenwood with 2.68" ending at 7:00 a.m. on June 27. Statewide average rainfall for the period was 0.4".
Precipitation Period 2000 Deviation* Temperature Location Total Total From Avg. Maximum Minimum Greer 0.33 18.1 9.1B 95 62 Columbia 0.43 19.2 6.3B 92 66 Florence 0.41 15.7 6.1B 92 63 Charleston 2.07 16.4 8.2B 90 68 N Myrtle Beach 0.88 16.6 5.7B 89 69 Augusta, Ga. 0.64 17.4 7.1B 93 65*A=Above, B=Below
Note: Weekly rainfall amounts are for the prior 24-hrs ending 7 am Monday through ending 7 am Sunday.
4 inch depth average soil temperature: Columbia 84 degrees.
Most South Carolina rivers are below normal. Surf temperatures at Myrtle Beach and Savannah will average around 83 degrees.