June 26 - July 2, 2006


Heavy rains fell Monday and Tuesday across the upstate in response to a tropical low pressure feature and its path from Florida's central coast through South Carolina. A USGS site on 12 Mile Creek at Liberty measured rainfall rates as high as 4.08 inches per hour. This exceeded the 100 year, one hour return frequency and caused widespread flash flooding. Oconee, Pickens and Greenville counties all reported road closures and property damage. Thundershowers lingered through Wednesday before Thursday's clearing and climbing temperatures. Weak high pressure dominated the weekend with hot and hazy conditions and isolated, late afternoon thunderstorms. For the period, the state average temperature was one degree below normal.

The highest official temperature reported was 96 degrees at Givhans on July 1 and at Lake Bowen, Cheraw, and Johnston on July 2. The lowest official temperature reported was 59 degrees at Table Rock and Walhalla on the morning of June 30. The heaviest official 24-hour rainfall reported was 6.12 inches at Caesars Head ending at 7:00 a.m. on June 26. The average statewide rainfall for the period was 1.5 inches.


                       Weekly   Jan 1  Deviation     
                        Total   Total   From Avg
         Greer           2.30   16.34    -10.0
      Columbia           1.20   17.46     -7.1 
    Orangeburg           0.92   18.13     -6.4  
 Charlotte, NC           1.10   16.72     -5.5             	
   Augusta, GA           0.90   20.12     -3.6  
      Florence           1.54   23.95      2.2
  Myrtle Beach           0.35   20.81      0.8
    Charleston           2.57   23.11     -0.8     
  Savannah, GA    	 1.38   16.04     -7.3

Weekly rainfall totals ending midnight Sunday.  

SOIL: 4-inch depth average soil temperature: Columbia 82 degrees.

RIVERS AND SURF: South Carolina river stages were near to below normal. Ocean water temperatures near Myrtle Beach and Fripp Inlet will average from 82 to 84 degrees.