May 19 - 25, 2003


A steady northeast surface flow caused cloudy, cool conditions on Monday, with periods of light rain and drizzle. After a cloudy start on Tuesday, sunny weather returned with temperatures rising into the 80's. A frontal boundary approached on Wednesday with thunderstorms and heavy rains across the upstate. More rains fell on Thursday causing sharp rises on river basins. Gaffney reported nearly six inches of rain within three days. An almost stationary boundary lingered through the weekend with cloudy skies, showers, and thunderstorms. Temperatures on Sunday reached the mid-80's over most sites before strong late afternoon storms produced high winds and isolated small hail over central and eastern counties. The average statewide temperature for the period was four degrees below normal. The highest temperature reported was 90 degrees at USC in Columbia on May 25. The lowest temperature was 46 degrees at Caesars Head on the morning of May 21. The heaviest official 24-hour rainfall reported was 4.77" at Lake Greenwood ending at 7:00 a.m. on May 23. The average statewide rainfall for the period was 2.3".


                      Precipitation                 Temperature
               Weekly   Jan 1    Deviation    Average    Average
                Total   Total     From Avg    Maximum    Minimum     Average
Greer            3.57    27.4        6.2         71         58          65 
Columbia         1.50    23.9        5.5         76         62          69 
Augusta, GA      1.83    24.8        6.2         77         62          69 
Cheraw           1.53E   20.2        2.0         74         58          66 
Chester          1.74    28.4        9.2         71         60          65 
Johnston         1.62E   23.1        2.7         77         60          68 
Sumter           2.61    24.4        6.0         74         59          67 
Clemson          3.86    29.2        5.5         69         59          64 
Florence         1.33    19.9        3.4         76         58          67 
N Myrtle Beach   1.74    21.4        5.0         75         59          67
Allendale        2.51    21.5        3.4         77         61          69 
Charleston       2.14    20.6        3.9         79         63          71 
Beaufort         5.85    25.8        9.7         78         66          72 

Note: Weekly rainfall amounts are for the 24-hour period ending midnight Sunday.


4 inch depth average soil temperature: Columbia 78 degrees.


RIVERS AND SURF: South Carolina river stages were above normal.
Surf temperatures at Myrtle Beach and Savannah will average around 76 degrees.