Cloudy skies and below normal temperatures were observed Monday through Wednesday. Rains fell on Tuesday with high temperatures in the 30's and 40's. Sub-freezing mornings were reported almost daily during the week for most sites across western South Carolina. On Saturday low pressure neared the state with increasing clouds and late day showers. Sunday's weather was a mix of cold rain in the upstate to thunderstorms in the midlands over to the coast. Strong southerly winds gusting over 40 mph pushed afternoon high temperatures to near 70 degrees across the coastal plains. Aiken reported a brief episode of small hail Sunday afternoon. Statewide temperatures for the period averaged eight degrees below normal.
The maximum observed temperature was 71 degrees on March 14 at Allendale. The minimum observed temperature was 19 degrees at Cedar Creek on the morning of March 12. The heaviest 24-hour rainfall was 1.12 inches at Bishopville on March 14. Statewide rainfall for the period averaged 0.8 inches.
Precipitation Period 1999 Deviation* Temperature Location Total Total From Avg. Maximum Minimum Greer 0.74 8.0 3.1B 61 27 Charlotte, NC 0.35 7.0 2.7B 60 23 Columbia 1.37 7.7 3.1B 66 27 Florence FAA 0.88 10.3 1.5A 68 28 Blackville 1.10 8.8 1.6B 62 26 Augusta, GA 1.28 9.7 0.9B 74 27 Beaufort 0.37 6.0 2.9B 67 37 Charleston AP 1.33 8.3 0.5B 69 34 Myrtle Beach 0.66 8.0 1.8B 63 31
*A=Above, B=Below, E=Estimate
Note: Weekly rainfall amounts are for the prior 24-hrs ending 7:00 a.m. Monday through ending 7:00 a.m. Sunday
Degree Days Actual March 1-14 Cooling Heating Columbia 0 247 Charleston 0 190 Greenville 0 308
The National Weather Service located at Columbia Metropolitan Airport reports an average 4-inch depth soil temperature of 53 degrees.
Rivers are near normal. Surf temperatures at Myrtle Beach and Savannah will average around 54 degrees.