Isolated thunderstorms traveled west to east across the northern midlands Monday night and produced one-half inch hail in Darlington. Winds gusted to 41 mph at the Coast Guard station in Charleston. Wednesday started with a freeze and was followed by several days of climbing temperatures and ongoing dry conditions. Friday's blanket of clouds over central counties held afternoon temperatures in the 60's while sunny skies upstate and near the coast allowed for 70-degree weather. High pressure, positioned southeast and offshore, forced southerly winds into the state Saturday. Late winter appeared to jump to summer on Sunday with the thermometer peaking in the mid-80's. For the period, the state average temperature was six degrees above normal.
The highest official temperature reported was 88 degrees at Johnston on March 12. The lowest official temperature reported was 26 degrees at Cedar Creek on the morning of March 8. The heaviest official 24-hour rainfall reported was 0.61 inches at Bennettsville ending at 7:00 a.m. on March 7. The average statewide rainfall for the period was 0.1 inches.
Precipitation Weekly Jan 1 Deviation Total Total From Avg Greer 0.14 5.14 -5.6 Columbia 0.00 6.12 -4.2 Orangeburg 0.07 6.04 -4.3 Charlotte, NC 0.09 4.50 -4.8 Augusta, GA 0.03 6.39 -4.1 Florence 0.38 5.42 -2.8 Myrtle Beach 0.18 5.89 -2.8 Charleston 0.01 6.24 -2.5 Savannah, GA 0.00 6.85 -1.4 Weekly rainfall totals ending midnight Sunday.
SOIL: 4-inch depth average soil temperature: Columbia 61 degrees.
RIVERS AND SURF: South Carolina river stages were near to below normal. Surf temperatures at Myrtle Beach and Savannah will average around 56 degrees.