
Board of the Department of Natural Resources

Rembert C. Dennis Building, Room 335

Columbia, SC

Friday, November 21, 2003

9:30 a.m.



The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 9:30 am, on Friday, October 10, 2003, at the Rembert C. Dennis Building, Columbia, South Carolina.  Notice of the date, time and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media.  Chairman McShane presided at the meeting.  Board members present included Michael Campbell, Stephen Davis, D. Malloy McEachin, Jr., and Smith Ragsdale.  Board Members absent were Dr. Joab Lesesne, Jr., and Dr. Douglas Rucker.  Mr. John Frampton and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.


I.  Call to Order

            Chairman McShane called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.


    II.  Board Presentation 

Chairman McShane asked former Chairman Marion Burnside to join him at the front of the room.  Chairman McShane then read a resolution honoring Mr. Burnside and naming him as Chairman Emeritus of the SC Department of Natural Resources Board.


Chairman McShane acknowledged the work of staff at the Wee Tee Program Dedication on November 18.  Chairman McShane complimented Mike Willis and Emily Cope for their work in the coordination of this dedication.


Chairman McShane also expressed the feeling of loss of the Board and staff and acknowledged that the funeral for Doug Oakley, a 28 year veteran of the Department, will be this afternoon.


III. Meditation

Chairman McShane asked for a moment of silence and recognition of Doug Oakley’s contribution to the Department.


IV. Introduction of Guests

        Mr. Dobbins introduced John Evans; Noel Hurley, USGS; Joey Holleman, The State newspaper; Susie Little; Tom Thrasher, Cliffs Community; Alvin Garrison, Duke Energy; Tracy Beer, Duke Power; and Mike Foley, SC PRT.


V. Constituent Comment

        Mr. Dobbins informed the Board that Chip Sharpe requested to speak to the Board.  Mr. Sharpe asked the Board to consider information he provided to the Board supporting opinion about step raises for Corporals.


VI. Approval of Minutes

        Mr. McShane asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of the October 10, 2003 meeting.  There being no corrections or additions, Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board approve the minutes of the October 10, 2003, meeting as submitted.  Mr. Ragsdale seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.



VII. Presentations/Commendations

Mr. Frampton called on BeBe Harrison to present certificates to Roxanne Coleman from Shakespeare and Amanda Howard from Hunting Island State park and thank them for their outstanding assistance with the Fishing Tackle Loaner Program.


Mr. Frampton commended Waddell Mariculture Center on winning the Palmetto Vision Award for Aquaculture biotechnology development.  Mr. Frampton noted that the award went to the Center, but acknowledged Al Stokes and Dr. Craig Browdy who were principles in the effort.


Mr. Frampton commended CEC staff on the new SC Wildlife Show on ETV.


Mr. Frampton commended the accounting staff for the commendation letter received from the Comptroller General on the extremely favorable audit received for the year ended June 30, 2002.


VIII. Advisory Committee Reports

A. Land, Water and Conservation

Freddy Vang distributed copies of a new map series that is being produced by Geological Survey.  Mr. Vang reported that the Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee received a climate update. The Advisory Committee also reviewed changes to the legislation for conservation districts.  Mr. Vang noted that the State Water Plan draft has been completed and submitted to the Governor’s Water Law Review Committee.


            B. Governor’s Cup Billfishing Series

Mr. Frampton distributed copies of a written report from Robert Boyles.  Mr. Boyles and other Marine Resources staff are attending funeral services for Doug Oakley.  Chairman McShane expressed his pleasure of the Governor’s Cup Advisory Committee and the Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund having a joint banquet.


            C. Heritage Trust

Billy McTeer reported that the Heritage Trust Advisory Board met November 6.  Mr. McTeer informed the Board that the Heritage Trust Advisory Board approved the Upper Three Runs Creek in Aiken County as a protection project, approved an updated Heritage Land Trust Fund budget, approved a 155-acre addition to Peachtree Rock, and a 50-acre purchase addition to the budget.  The Advisory Board approved proceeding with the development of an agreement to lease approximately 15 acres at Poinsett Bridge to the Greenville County Recreation District.


            D. Marine

Mr. Ragsdale reported that the Marine Advisory Committee met on November 7.  Mr. Ragsdale stated that Dr. Wenner reported that the white shrimp count is near normal and the brown shrimp count is down.  Mr. Ragsdale noted that the impact that the drought has had on the blue crab stocks is a major issue now.  David Whitaker presented a thorough review of the limited entry plan for the crab fishery.  Three public meetings were held on this issue.  The Marine Advisory Committee endorsed the plan and is asking that legislation be drawn up for review before presentation to the Board.


            E. Law Enforcement

Mr. Campbell reported that the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee met on November 12, at the Marine Center, in Charleston.  The Advisory Committee received an agency update from Col. Wright.  Major Taylor gave a brief overview of the Joint Enforcement Agreement Program.  Lt. Walters gave the Advisory Committee a report on a waterfowl identification guide.  Mr. Campbell stated that the major piece of business dealt with alligator and nuisance control coordination.


  IX.  Item for Board Information

      Jocassee Gorges Forest Management Plan

Billy McTeer introduced Mark Hall.  Mr. Hall gave the Board a brief presentation of the Jocassee Gorges Forest Management Plan.


  X.  Items for Board Action

            A.    Proposed WMA and Chronic Wasting Disease Regulations

            Tim Ivey briefly reviewed the proposed WMA and Chronic Wasting Disease Regulations.  Mr. McEachin asked about allowing skull and/or antlers in the State.  Mr. McEachin then asked that biologist review 123-54(3)(a)(b) and (c).  Mr. McEachin made a motion that the Board accept the proposed regulations as presented (123-40 and 123-51) with the exception of regulation 123-54, which we will adjourn consideration until the next meeting.  Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


      B.  2004 Legislative Priorities

            Derrick Meggie asked that action on this item be deferred until the December meeting.


      C.  Comprehensive Monitoring of the Reedy River Watershed

            Ed Duncan informed the Board that they, DNR Board, also acts as the Board of Trustees for the South Carolina Mitigation Trust Fund.  This Trust Fund hold certain monies that have been provided to the State for mitigation purposes, mostly as a result of regulatory actions, such as permitting mitigation, mitigation for fish entrainment impacted by hydro power plants and it also holds the Reedy River oil spill settlement.  The objective of the proposed work is to conduct long-term monitoring of the aquatic resources of the Reedy River.  The Natural Resources Trustees (Governor, DHEC Director and DNR Director) have approved this plan.  The request is that the Board of the Mitigation Trust Fund approve the release of $313,605 so the monitoring effort can be initiated.  Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board approve the funding request as presented.  Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


  XI. Director’s Briefings

Mr. Frampton represented the Department at the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies annual meeting held October 11-15 in Mobile, Alabama.  Mr. Frampton reminded the board that we will be hosting next year’s meeting on October 31-November 2, in Hilton Head.


Mr. Frampton gave opening remarks at the National Estuarine Research Reserve annual workshop held in Charleston.


Mr. Frampton spoke to the Conway Kiwanis Club on October 28 about DNR Programs.  This was done at the request of Representative Billy Witherspoon.


Mr. Frampton participated in the Governor’s Cabinet Meeting on November 17.


Mr. Frampton met with Jim Hendricks, of Duke Power, on November 17, to discuss Sassafras Mountain.


Mr. Frampton met with congressional staff and Congressman Charles Taylor on November 19.


Habitat Task Force

            Barry Beasley reported that the Habitat Task Force has been reviewing the place of conservation easements in the land protection strategy in DNR. 


XII.  Deputy Directors’ Reports

            1.   Marine

Mr. Frampton distributed copies of Mr. Boyles’ report to the Board.  Mr. Frampton commended Marine Resources Division staff for their efforts in trying to resuscitate Doug Oakley and expressed his condolences.


            2.   Land, Water and Conservation

Mr. Vang reported that the Water Law Review Committee will have a meeting on Tuesday, December 2.  The Committee’s final report will go to the Governor’s office on January 6, 2004.  Mr. Vang reported that SCDNR has been selected by the IAFWA to serve as the Southeast Region pilot state for development and implementation of communications plans on aquatic nuisance species, such as hydrilla and zebra mussels.


            3.   Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries

Billy McTeer reported that he and Derrell Shipes attended a meeting of a group called the Santee Cooper Waterfowl and Fisheries Coalition.  They are a group of sportsmen, marine operators, and landowners who are interested in DNR’s activities and involvement in the Santee Lakes.


            4.   Law Enforcement

Col. Alvin Wright introduced Larry Holbrooks, Region 1 Captain; and Harvin Brock, Region 3 Captain.  Col. Wright reported that he has met with three of the four regions.  Col. Wright informed the Board that the Law Enforcement Division will receive $14,000 for equipment, as a result of their litter enforcement efforts.


            5.   CEC and Administrative Services

Carole Collins distributed copies of talking points on grants to have South Carolina Wildlife magazine to be provided in all schools.  Ms. Collins reported that the next tv show will air December 20, at 6:00 pm.  This episode will be highlighting Jocassee and the Webb Center.


Mr. Frampton commended CEC, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries and Law Enforcement staff for their work on the success of the Wee Tee dedication.


XIII.  Executive Session

            At this time Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss contractual, legal and personnel matters.  Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


XIV.  Return to Regular Session

            The Board returned to regular session and invited staff and guests to join the meeting.


Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board approve the request for an easement for construction of a retail distribution power line adjacent to an existing power line on DNR land in Pickens County within the Jocassee Gorges property.  Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board determine that the area subject to the requested Duke Power Easement is a preserve requiring review under Section 10-1-135.  Mr. McEachin seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


XV.  Time and Location of the Next Meeting

The next meeting of the DNR Board will be held on Thursday, December 11, 2003, in room 335 of the Rembert C. Dennis Building, Columbia, SC.


The January meeting of the DNR Board will be held Friday, January 16, 2004, at the Drummond Center, Lake Greenwood State Park, Greenwood, SC.


The February meeting of the DNR Board will be held Friday, February 13, 2004, at the Marine Resources Center Auditorium, Charleston, SC.


XVI.  Adjournment

There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.