Board of the Department of Natural Resources
Rembert C. Dennis Building, Room 335
1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC
November 17, 2006 10:00 a.m.
The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 10:00 am, on Friday, November 17, 2006, in Room 335 of the Rembert C. Dennis Building, Columbia, South Carolina. Notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Chairman Mike McShane presided at the meeting. Board members present included Michael Campbell, Stephen Davis, John Evans, Frank Murray, and Norman Pulliam. Mr. John Frampton and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.
- Call to Order
Chairman McShane called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Invocation
Chairman McShane asked Rev. Eric Skidmore to offer the invocation.
- Pledge of Allegiance
Vice Chairman Campbell led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Introduction of Guests
Mr. Stallworth introduced Reggie Lloyd, US Attorney for the District of South Carolina; Joey Holleman, The State newspaper; Senator Ronnie Cromer; Senator Jake Knotts; and Chip Sharpe.
- Constituent Comments
Chairman McShane asked Senator Knotts to address the Board. Senator Knotts commented on the Water Recreational Funds and how the Lexington County Delegation uses the funds to equip DNR officers in that county.
Chairman McShane asked Senator Cromer to address the Board. Senator Cromer also commented on the Water Recreational Funds and how the Newberry, Saluda and Lexington County Delegations use these funds.
Chairman McShane asked Mr. Sharpe to address the Board. Mr. Sharpe discussed the proposed trapper legislation, as developed by the Trappers Association, discussed at the October Board meeting and asked for the Department’s support. Mr. Frampton stated that the Department is looking into issues of the license. Chairman McShane and Mr. Frampton will meet with Mr. Sharpe before the next Board meeting. Mr. Sharpe complimented Officer John Lewis for his assistance in Mr. Sharpe’s recent accident. Chairman McShane and the Board also recognized Officer Lewis’ efforts.
- Approval of Minutes
Chairman McShane asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes of the October 20, 2006, meeting. There being none, Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve the minutes of the October 20, 2006, meeting as submitted. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Presentations/Commendations
Mr. Frampton introduced Reggie Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd presented Paul League with a Certificate of Appreciation form US Department of Justice together with a commendation letter for his work on the Schlumberger Settlement.
Mr. Frampton commended Robert Boyles and staff for their work in making the first Open House in over eight years at the Marine Center such a success with approximately 1,000 visitors in attendance.
- Advisory Committee Reports
- Heritage Trust
Barry Beasley reported that the Heritage Trust Advisory Board met November 1. The Advisory Board received a report on the Francis Marion Trail Commission. Dr. Beasley stated that the Advisory Board approved the Congaree Bluff and Peters Creek Management Plans. Ed Duncan and Bob Perry gave the Advisory Board an overview of the I-73 corridor and its potential impact on the Little Pee Dee Heritage Preserve. The Advisory Board received an update on revenues and budgets. Dr. Beasley announced that a new archeologist, Sean Taylor, will be on staff December 4. Chairman McShane stated that he would like the I-73 presentation on a future Board meeting agenda.
- Migratory Waterfowl Advisory Board
Mr. Frampton reported that the Department has a four year contract with Jim Killian for the Migratory Waterfowl Stamp. There will be a formal announcement in the near future.
- Waterfowl
Breck Carmichael reported that the Waterfowl Advisory Committee met on November 14. The Advisory Committee received a presentation on the peer reviews of the waterfowl management areas. The Advisory Committee received an update on Avian Influenza. Ed Duncan gave the history of ricefield reimpounding.
- Law Enforcement
Mr. Campbell reported that the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee received an update of activities since the last meeting. Col. Taylor announced that Chuck Dial will be the new Captain of Region IV. The Board received a presentation on the TOMO Program and aviation equipment used for surveillance and to assist with search and rescue. The Advisory Committee received a Region III and legislative update.
- Items for Board Information
- Santee Cooper Striped Bass Harvest Option
Scott Lamprecht presented a report on problems of the striped bass population and recommendations to correct these problems. After several questions and much discussion, Chairman McShane asked that the Board receive a presentation of public input received and recommendations at the February Board meeting.
- Discussion of Feral Cats
Breck Carmichael reported that there has been discussion with other states on this issue. Mr. Carmichael noted that there is a difference in feral and free ranging cats. Mr. Carmichael stated that the Wildlife Society has a position statement on feral cats which includes educating the public on feral cats. Mr. Carmichael reported that DNR is unaware of any feral cat colonies on DNR properties and DNR has no statutory authority to deal with feral cats. Mr. Carmichael stated that he feels that DNR’s role will be to educate the public on feral cats and that the Department issued a press release on the same. Mr. Frampton reported that he agrees there needs to be an effort by the Department to increase the public’s awarness of this issue.
- Items for Board Action
- Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center Management Plan
Mr. Carmichael informed the Board that Heritage Preserve Management Plans or updates require approval of the Board. Tim Ivey addressed a question about the Forestry Management Plan and noted that it is a separate plan. After a brief discussion about the timber and ferry issues, Mr. Pulliam made a motion to accept the Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center Management Plan as presented. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Draft Policy for the Recreational Use of DNR Lands
Mr. Carmichael briefly reviewed the need for a policy to address the use of DNR lands. Mr. Frampton described the process used to develop the policy and supported its adoption. Mr. Davis made a motion to accept the Policy for the Recreational Use of DNR Lands as presented. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- 2007 Proposed Legislative Package
Derrick Meggie reviewed each of the five new bills and the boating bill in the 2007 Proposed Legislative Package. Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board approve the Draft 2007 Proposed Legislative Package as presented. Mr. Murray seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Meggie noted that the alligator harvest permit bill is still in progress. Mr. Meggie stated that the repeals bill, clean up bill is the same bill. Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve the Repeals bill as presented. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Meggie then noted some arising and continuing issues such as cross bows and hunting with dogs. Mr. Meggie stated that the Senate Prefile Dates are November 29 and December 6 and the House Prefile Dates are December 13 and December 20. Mr. Meggie reminded the Board that the Legislative Reception is scheduled for January 16. Mr. Davis asked about the status of the response to last year’s public hearings regarding buck limits. Mr. Frampton responded that the major issue holding this up relates to a new computer system.
At this time, the Board, Deputy Directors and senior staff acknowledged the staff of the Titling and Registration section. Members of this section introduced themselves and Ms. Collins stated that the staff of this section are the front line people of this Department. Ms. Collins presented Bryan Kyzer with his Associate Public Managers Certificate. Chairman McShane presented Sandra Hartley with the Board’s Meritorious Service Award.
- Executive Session
At this time Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss contractual, legal, and personnel matters. Mr. Murray seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Return to Regular Session
Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board return to regular session. Mr. Murray seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Director’s Briefings
Mr. Frampton informed the Board that Emily Cope has just returned from a two week conservation leadership training session at USFWS.
Mr. Frampton will attend the Charleston County Legislative Delegation meeting on November 20.
- Deputy Directors' Reports
- Outreach and Support Services
Ms. Collins distributed the new Wildlife Shop catalog. Scott Speares gave a brief report on the license conversion.
- Marine Resources
Robert Boyles distributed a new publication on Sheepshead. Mr. Boyles reported on the Open House at the Marine Center. Mr. Boyles noted that effective November 15 through April 15, gill nets are not allowed off the SC coast due to right whale entanglement. This has been imposed by National Marine Fisheries. Mr. Boyles stated that he has had an opportunity to interact with the Coastal Caucus and will keep the Board updated on their issues.
At this time, Mr. Murray made a motion to approve the Conservation District Commissioner Appointments/Reappointments as presented. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Davis made a motion to approve the lease with the current private contractor to occupy Morgan Island, said lease agreement to include an escalation of the rent at 5% per year and recommend that the Budget and Control Board approve such lease. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Land, Water and Conservation
Freddy Vang stated that there may be a need to start a low-level maintenance stocking of grass carp in the Santee Cooper Lakes due to an increase in native aquatic plants and a small amount of hydrilla being found in the main lakes. Mr. Vang reported that the Jasper County Natural Resources Conservation Plan has been adopted by the Jasper County Council. Mr. Vang informed the Board that a Soil and Water Conservation Society Symposium will be held on January 3, and the SC Conservation Partnership Conference will be held January 4-6 at Embassy Suites in Myrtle Beach. Mr. Vang noted that unofficial Conservation District Commissioner election records indicate that there were 92 positions to be filled with 16% being new commissioners. A complete listing will be provided when the results have been certified.
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Nothing further to report.
- Law Enforcement
Col. Taylor reported that interviews for the new class of officers have been finished and they are currently doing background checks. They intend to offer positions in December and the candidates will begin training at the Criminal Justice Academy in February. Col. Taylor distributed a news release regarding the officers’ participation in the Samartian Purse project. Officer D.J. Riley led this effort and 500 shoeboxes were delivered to Charlotte.
- Time and Location of the Next Meeting
The December Board meeting will be held on Friday, December 15, in the Columbia area.
- Adjournment
There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.