Board of the Department of Natural Resources
NOAA Conference Room
219 Ft. Johnson Road
Charleston, SC
July 21, 2006 11:00 a.m.
The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 11:00 am, on Friday, July 21, 2006, at the NOAA Conference Room, Charleston, South Carolina. Notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Chairman Mike McShane presided at the meeting. Board members present included Stephen Davis and John Evans. Board Member Frank Murray participated in the meeting by speakerphone. Vice Chairman Michael Campbell was absent. Mr. John Frampton and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.
- Call to Order
Chairman McShane called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Invocation
Chairman McShane asked Eli Rivers to offer the invocation.
- Pledge of Allegiance
Lt. Col. Van McCarty led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Introduction of Guests
Hank Stallworth introduced Representative David Umphlett and informed the group that most visitors at the meeting have requested to speak during the constituent comment portion of the meeting.
- Approval of Minutes
Chairman McShane asked if there were any additions, deletions or corrections to the minutes of the June 16, 2006, meeting. Mr. Evans made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2006, meeting as presented. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Advisory Committee Reports
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Mr. Davis reported that the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee met earlier this week in Columbia. The Advisory Committee has sent forward, to the DNR Board, their recommendations for striped bass in the Santee System. The Advisory Committee received a report on the Red Cockaded Woodpecker Safe Harbour Program. The Advisory Committee received staff recommendations relative to deer hunting adjacent to paved public roads.
- Governor’s Cup Billfishing Series Robert Boyles reported that the Governor’s Cup Advisory Board introduced three new members to the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board had an extensive discussion about the use of the Governor’s Cup logo and the possibility of trade marking. The Advisory Board received a report from the Tournament Committee.
- Law Enforcement Lt. Col. Van McCarty reported that the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee received an update on the new officers. Lt. Col. McCarty commended one of the new officers, Kevin Mitchell, for saving the life of a woman on the Reedy River. Lt. Col. McCarty gave the Board a status report on officer Jeff Derrick, who was injured in a boating accident on Lake Murray. Officer Derrick is expected to have a full recovery and return to work soon. The Law Enforcement Officer of the Year luncheon will be held September 15. Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board formally recognize Officer Mitchell for his heroism at Lake Greenwood. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Presentations/Commendations
Mr. Frampton commended Corporal Sidney Rainwater for his role in the rescue of Marshall Coleman at the Cashua Ferry Landing of the Great Pee Dee River when his boat filled with water on June 12.
Mr. Frampton commended DNR Officers Joel Chanaca and Maurice Pruitt on their professionalism while issuing a citation for violating a no wake zone.
- Constituent Comments
Representative Umphlett reported on the progress of several pieces of legislation for 2006. Representative Umphlett noted that several of his constituents we at the meeting with concerns about dog hunting and he hoped the dog hunters, landowners, still hunters, DNR and USFS will be able to work together on a compromise. Mr. Stallworth introduced the following individuals who requested to speak to the Board on behalf of the dog hunters in the Francis Marion National Forest: Roger Dixon, Jesse Owens, Julia Gaskins, Tammy Gianelli, Thomas Lukacs and Shawn Pinckney. Mr. Larry Barnhill had not requested earlier, but asked to make comments and did so.
- Items for Board Information
- Early Migratory Bird Season Selections
Breck Carmichael reviewed the Early Migratory Bird Season Selections as recommended by staff and included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board accept the Early Migratory Bird Season Selections as recommended by staff. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Emergency Regulations, Francis Marion National Forest
Mr. Carmichael reviewed the Emergency Regulations for Francis Marion National Forest as included in the Board meeting package. Chairman McShane directed staff to seek and expand the input to enhance dog hunting at large and preserve its heritage. Mr. Evans asked that youth hunting days be considered. Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board accept the Emergency Regulations for Francis Marion National Forest as recommended by staff and included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. During discussion Mr. Evans asked that expanded youth hunting days be considered this year. Staff will present amendments to the emergency regulations at the August meeting. After discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
- Bond Execution Authorization
Mr. Frampton noted that it appears the agency is having success with federal funding, but that won’t be finalized until issues of the federal budget are resolved by Senate and House Conference, which is not likely to happen until after the election. Based on past success rates and taking a conservative line, bonding should be at approximately $22,350,000. Mr. Frampton requested authorization from the Board to move forward with the Bond and authorization for signatures. Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board approve affirm the February 17, 2006, Resolution for issuance and sale by the Trustees of the Heritage Trust Revenue Bonds (Bond Resolution of 2006). Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. A motion was made to provide affirm the February 17, 2006, Resolution for the issuance and sale (Series Resolution) not to exceed $32,000,000. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board designate Hank Stallworth or Carole Collins as alternate representatives of the Department who are authorized to attest to official acts of the Board. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Marsh Tract/Proposed SCDOT Purchase/ Highway 378 Bridge Replacement Project
Jim Quinn reviewed the Marsh Tract/Proposed SCDOT Purchase/Highway 378 Bridge Replacement Project as provided to the Board in their Board meeting Package. Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board approve the offer from DOT. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Items for Board Action
- Striper Population at Santee Cooper
Mr. Carmichael informed the Board that there has been a decline in the striper population at Santee Cooper over the last several years and there has been significant interest for DNR to address the decline. Mr. Carmichael stated that there will likely have to be some restrictions and changes in regulations in order to correct the situation. The concern is that there are not enough females in the system living long enough to reach reproductive age. Mr. Frampton recommended having public meetings regarding this issue to receive more input.
- Road Hunting
Mr. Carmichael informed the Board that the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Board recommends the issue of road hunting be addressed. The Advisory Board has asked Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries and Law Enforcement staff to discuss and draft a bill addressing safety and trespassing. Staff have developed the following for further study. “It is unlawful for any person to shoot from, on to, or across any paved secondary, primary, or interstate highway open to traffic”. It is important to note that this is amending a Title 56 statute not a Title 50 statute. Representative Umphlett stated that he is drafting a bill to address this issue and the Board requests staff to coordinate this effort. Mr. Carmichael stated that Section B of the draft states that “it is unlawful to posses a rifle or shotgun on any paved secondary, primary, or interstate highway open to traffic unless the weapon is completely empty of all ammunition”. The intent of this is to address safety but it could also help with trespass.
- Director’s Briefings
Mr. Frampton informed the Board that DNR hosted the Atlantic Flyway Council meeting at the Embassy Suites in Charleston this week.
Mr. Frampton reminded the Board that the Harry Hampton Marine Banquet will be held on August 12 at the Omar Shrine Temple in Mt. Pleasant.
Mr. Frampton noted that he and Robert Boyles will participate in the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission meeting in Arlington, VA, on August 14-17.
Derrick Meggie informed the Board that there is legislative interest in the creation of a temporary boat registration that can be used when a boat is purchased with an expired registration. Such a change is being reviewed by the committee drafting the proposed bill for this legislative session.
- Deputy Directors’ Reports
- Law Enforcement
Lt. Col. McCarty noted that in the Beaufort Water Festival and the Rockville Regatta will be held the same weekend that Law Enforcement will be supporting the National Governors Association meeting in Charleston, so manpower will be divided to support each of these events.
- Outreach and Support Services
Carole Colllins reported on license sales and the success of the direct mail renewal. More licenses were processed through the end of June this year than through the end of October last year. Ms. Collins also reported on the Minority Internship Program which involved 21 students from across the state who were provided with opportunities to work with staff and, through field trips, to learn more about the agency.
- Marine Resources
Robert Boyles reminded the Board of the Harry Hampton Marine Conservation Banquet on August 12. Mr. Boyles also informed the Board that they have received the ACE Basin 312 Evaluation report and it was quite favorable. There were a couple recommendations that are currently being addressed.
- Land, Water and Conservation
Freddy Vang gave the Board a climate and tropical weather conditions update.
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Mr. Carmichael informed the Board of a fish kill in Spartanburg County. Mr. Carmichael reported the following staff changes in the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division: Dubose Griffin, replacing Sally Murphy, Sea Turtle Project; Leo Rose, replacing Mac Watson, Statewide Hatchery Coordinator; and Wade Bales, replacing Val Nash, Chief of Fisheries.
- Executive Session
At this time Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss contractual, legal and personnel matters. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Return to Regular Session
The Board returned to regular session and invited staff and guests to join the meeting.
Mr. Murray made a motion to go back in to open session. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Davis made a motion to approve the July 21, 2006, slate of Conservation District Commissioners appointments/reappointments as presented. Mr. Evans seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Davis made a motion to approve the designation of Mr. Dillard of Greenville County as a Commissioner Emeritus. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Time and Location of the Next Meeting
The August Board meeting will be held on Friday, August 18, 2006, at the Waddell Mariculture Center in Bluffton.
The September Board meeting will be held on Friday, September 15, 2006, in Columbia, to coincide with the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Luncheon.
The October Board meeting will be held on Friday, October 20, 2006, in the upstate area.
- Adjournment
There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.