Board of the Department of Natural Resources

Teleconference Locations
Rembert C. Dennis Building, Room 335
1000 Assembly Street Columbia, SC
Marine Resources Division
Marine Resource Research Institute Classroom
217 Ft. Johnson Road
Charleston, SC
June 19, 2008 10:00 a.m.

The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 19, 2008, in Room 145 of the Marine Resource Research Institute, Charleston, SC and Room 335 of the Rembert C. Dennis Building, 1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC. Notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Chairman Mike McShane presided at the meeting. Board members present included Mike Campbell, Stephen Davis, John Evans, Norman Pulliam, and Caroline Rhodes. Board member Frank Murray’s absence was excused. Mr. John Frampton and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.

  1. Call to Order
    Chairman McShane called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  2. Invocation
    Chairman McShane asked Chaplain John Prioleau to offer the invocation.
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
    Vice Chairman Campbell led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  4. Introduction of Guests
    Don Winslow introduced Jeff Dennis, Charleston Mercury; Mark Johnson, Georgetown Conservation District Commissioner; Diane Edwins, Berkeley Conservation District Commissioner; Bill Simpson, Chairman, Charleston Conservation District and Co-Chair, Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee; and Caroline Pinckney, Senate Fish, Game and Forestry.
  5. Constituent Comments
    Chairman McShane asked Diane Edwins to address the Board. Ms. Edwins’ comments were to offer the Department the assistance and support of the conservation districts and conservation district commissioners.

    Chairman McShane asked Bill Simpson to address the Board. Mr. Simpson’s comments were also to offer the Department the assistance and support of the conservation districts and conservation district commissioners.
  6. Approval of Minutes
    Chairman McShane offered the following amendment and asked if there were any other additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes of the May 22, 2008, meeting. Mr. Campbell offered the following correction under Advisory Committee Reports:
    1. Advisory Committee Reports
      1. Law Enforcement
        Col. Alvin Taylor reported that the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee met on May 13, 2008, at Styx. The Advisory Committee received updates on current legislation; Region 3 activities; radio system upgrade; and the Take One Make One Program. Chairman McShane noted that the Board has named David Cline has been named as its designee as Chair DNR Board Chairman Designee for the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee.
    There being no further amendments, deletions, or corrections, Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board approve the minutes of the May 22, 2008, meeting as amended. Mrs. Rhodes seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  7. Presentations/Commendations
    Mr. Frampton commended Don Winslow and Hope Mizzell on their selection to attend the 2008-2009 class of the Executive Institute. Mr. Frampton then noted that the Executive Institute class has been cancelled due to funding problems.

    Chairman McShane and Mr. Frampton presented “Making a Difference, Naturally” certificates to Wallace “Wally” Jenkins and Amy Dukes for their leadership with the Governor’s Cup Billfishing Series.
  8. Advisory Committee Reports
    John Evans reported that the Marine Advisory Committee met June 5, 2008, in Charleston. The Advisory Committee received presentations on the Underwater Video Monitoring of Offshore Finfish; Overview of South Carolina’s Shad Fishery; and Overview of South Carolina’s Sea Turtle Management Program. The Advisory Committee received an overview of the 2009 Saltwater License Projects. The Advisory Committee received updates on the Cobia fishery, and the Federal Registry.
  9. Items for Board Information
    1. Drought Update
      Hope Mizzell reported the State Drought Committee met on April 16, 2008, and downgraded eastern South Carolina to incipient. The Savannah area remained at moderate, and the upstate remained at severe. Ms. Mizzell reported that the next State Drought Committee meeting will be on June 30, 2008, and she believes there will more adjustments due to the low precipitation. Ms. Mizzell reviewed streamflows, lake levels, and groundwater monitoring wells around the State.
    2. Revision to Directive 701 (fee for facility use) to include Marsh Tract
      Breck Carmichael reviewed the revisions to Directive 703 as included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve Directive 703 as revised. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    3. Directive 704 – Draw Hunt Fees
      Mr. Carmichael reviewed the revisions for Directive 704 as included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board approve Directive 704 as revised. Mrs. Rhodes seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    4. Directive 903 – Use of Personal Flotation Devices
      Col. Alvin Taylor reviewed Directive 903 as included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board approve Directive 903 as presented. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  10. Items for Board Action
    1. Botany Bay Emergency Regulations
      Mr. Carmichael reviewed the Emergency Regulations for Botany Bay as included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve the Botany Bay Emergency Regulations intended for July 1, 2008, contingent upon the approval of the management agreement with the Budget and Control Board. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    2. Proposed Budget for Waterfowl Stamp Funds 2008-2009
      Mr. Carmichael reviewed the proposed 2008-2009 budget for Waterfowl Stamp Funds as included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board approve the 2008-2009 budget for Waterfowl Stamp Funds as presented. Mrs. Rhodes seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    3. Heritage Trust Budget
      Mr. Beasley reviewed the Heritage Trust Budget as included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board approve the Heritage Trust Budget as presented. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    4. Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Advisory Committee Project Proposal
      Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board approve the Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Advisory Committee Project Proposal as included in the Board meeting package. Mrs. Rhodes seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    5. Black Bear Protocol
      Mr. Carmichael reviewed the Black Bear Protocol as included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board approve the Black Bear Protocol as presented. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    6. Proposed 2008-2009 Mourning Dove Season
      Mr. Carmichael reviewed the proposed 2008-2009 Mourning Dove Season as included in the Board package. Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board approve the 2008-2009 Mourning Dove season as presented. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
    7. State Audit Action Plan
      Mr. Winslow reviewed the State Audit Action Plan as included in the Board meeting package. Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board approve the State Audit Action Plan as presented. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  11. Director’s Briefing
    Ms Carole Collins gave the Board an update on the final budget.

    Mr. Frampton distributed and briefly reviewed the Legislative Audit Council’s report on cell phones, satellite phones and pagers.
  12. Legislative
    Mr. Derrick Meggie distributed and reviewed the June 19th report on current legislation.
  13. Deputy Directors’ Reports
    1. Marine
      Mr. Robert Boyles distributed and briefly reviewed the Federal Register 619 – National Saltwater Angler Registry Program proposed rule.
    2. Land, Water and Conservation
      Mr. Steve de Kozlowski informed the Board that the Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee will meet on July 10, 2008, in Columbia.
    3. Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
      Mr. Carmichael gave the Board an update on the response from DHEC on actions against the City of Rock Hill for the Wildcat Creek Fish Kill.
    4. Outreach and Support Services
      Ms. Carole Collins gave the Board a brief update on the license renewal process. Ms. Collins noted the Board that Camp Wildwood has started. Ms. Collins also informed the Board of the current intern projects.
    5. Law Enforcement
      Col. Taylor gave the Board updates on boating accidents, and the media effort for boating safety.
  14. Executive Session
    At this time Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss contractual, legal, and personnel matters. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  15. Return to Regular Session
    Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board return to regular session and noted that no actions were taken in Executive Session. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  16. Time and Location of the Next Meeting
    The July Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 16, 2008, in Columbia.

    The August Board meeting will be held on Thursday, August 14, 2008.
  17. Adjournment
    There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.