Board of the Department of Natural Resources
Rembert C. Dennis Building, Room 335
1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
10:00 a.m.
The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 10:00 am, on Wednesday, April 28, 2004, at the Rembert C. Dennis Building, Columbia, South Carolina. Notice of the date, time and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Chairman Mike McShane presided at the meeting. Board members present included Michael Campbell, Stephen Davis, Karen Floyd and Smith Ragsdale. Board member John Evans was absent. Mr. John Frampton and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.
- Call to Order
Chairman McShane called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Chairman McShane introduced newly appointed Board Member, Karen K. Floyd.
- Invocation
Chairman McShane asked Rev. Eric Skidmore to offer the invocation.
- Introduction of Guests
Mr. Chamblee introduced Angela Viney, SC Wildlife Federation; Caroline Pinckney, Senate Fish, Game and Forestry Committee; Ron Kenyan, Chaplaincy Program; Dean Moss, Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee; a representative from Buck Shot Magazine; and a Joey Holleman, The State newspaper.
- Constituent Comment
Mr. Chamblee informed the Board that there were no requests for constituent comment.
- Approval of Minutes
Mr. McShane asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of the March 26, 2004, or the March 29, 2004 meetings. Mr. Davis made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 26, 2004 meeting as submitted and amend the minutes of the March 29, 2004 meeting as follows:
Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Presentations/Commendations
Mr. Frampton introduced Randy Mahan and Steve Summer, with SCE&G. Mr. Frampton and Val Nash both offered comments and thanks to SCE&G for their participation in the trout stocking program. Mr. Frampton then presented a plaque to Mr. Mahan and Mr. Summer in recognition of SCE&Gs donation to the trout stocking program.
Mr. Frampton commended all DNR staff, especially Mary Pugh and Dave Bruner, for their effort in making the Palmetto Sportsmens Classic such a success. Members of the Board also expressed their appreciation to staff.
Carole Collins then read an email from a teacher in Darlington expressing her appreciation to the Department and the magazine for making the Young Outdoor Writers essay contest possible.
Mr. Frampton commended staff for the March of Dimes Hula Day event. The Hula for Healthy Babies and contributions for employees walking in the March of Dimes Walk raised over $1,400, exceeding the goal of $1,000. The Team Captains were BeBe Harrison and Denise Froehle and division leaders were Nancy Caughman, Executive Office; Brian Long, Administrative Services; Lynn Quattro, Land Water and Conservation; Wade Bales, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries; and Jessica Clements, Law Enforcement.
- Directors Briefings
Mr. Frampton reviewed the budget proposals from both the House and Senate. Mr. Frampton then informed the Board that he would like to have further discussion in executive session. Mr. Ragsdale expressed his thanks to the conservation groups, Chairman McShane and Vice Chairman Campbell for their efforts with the budget.
Mr. Frampton then announced to the Board that Bonneau Ferry Project has been ranked first in the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture NAWCA Ranking.
Mr. Frampton informed the Board that the Department will be hosting the SEAFWA Directors Spring Meeting in Columbia, April 30 May 2 and invited them to attend any or all of the activities.
Chairman McShane reminded the Board that the Bonneau Ferry dedication will be held on June 4.
Mr. Chamblee thanked Angela Viney, SC Wildlife Federation, for her efforts regarding the Departments budget and Senator Gregory for his support.
- Advisory Committee Reports
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Mr. Davis reported that the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee met on April 15 in Bonneau. The Advisory Committee toured the fish lift and received updates on Bonneau Ferry and the budget. Mr. Davis announced the appointment of three new members to the Advisory Committee, John C. Troutman, D. Paulling Bennett, and William H. Hoole, Jr.
- Land, Water and Conservation
Freddy Vang reported that the Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee received a report from the Abbeville Conservation District. Mr. Vang informed the Board that the Advisory Committee received a presentation on the saltwater intrusion problem at Hilton Head and requested that this presentation be on the agenda at a future Board meeting. Mr. Vang read the following motion from the Advisory Committee regarding the saltwater intrusion problem:
Salt Water Intrusion Motion made by Mr. Dean Moss: First, this Committee is greatly concerned about the saltwater intrusion situation on Hilton Head Island. Second, this Committee encourages the Department of Natural Resources' Board and the DNR to continue to support the Department of Health and Environmental Control's efforts to define the problem accurately and to proceed with all deliberate speed to develop a strategy to address this problem. Third, that in the discussions to be held with Georgia on water matters that this issue be considered a critical part of that agenda and such discussions should include recognition that South Carolina suffered damages and those damages need to be recognized and compensated. Also, that the members of this Committee be authorized to make presentations to the DNR Board at their May 21, 2004, meeting. Dr. John Dean seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
The Advisory Committee received a climate update, noting that the month of March is the driest on record and April will be drier than normal.
- Waterfowl
Mr. Ragsdale reported that the Waterfowl Advisory Committee met on April 21 in Columbia. Mr. Ragsdale noted that the Advisory Committee had discussions on methods for taking the mid-winter survey. Mr. Ragsdale informed the Board that to date $41,000 has been raised for the wood duck box project, the goal is $2.1 million. Mr. Ragsdale also noted that Bob Perry will assist in getting bids for supplies for the boxes. The Advisory Committee received a report on aquatic weeds. Mr. Ragsdale stated that the Oversight Committee studying South Island has submitted their recommendations to Bob Joyner for his review and response. Mr. Ragsdale reported that discussions regarding regulations will continue, as the Committee has reached no agreed upon recommendations yet. Mr. Ragsdale stated that the Advisory Committee is discussing the possibility of recommending a fee increase for the State Duck Stamp.
- Items for Board Information
- DNR Forest Management Plan
Tim Ivey reviewed the steps and process in the development of forest management plans on DNR properties. Mr. Ivey reported that a management plan defines the essential character and management objectives of a particular parcel and within a forest management plan there is an additional step of woodland inventory, by compartment and stands. Mr. Ivey also reviewed the timber harvest summary which included harvest costs, timber revenue and future harvest potentials.
- Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Plan for Lewis Ocean Bay
As a contractual matter, this item will be discussed in executive session.
- Deputy Directors Reports
- Marine
Robert Boyles thanked Law Enforcement and Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries staff for their assistance in the recent situation with crab pots and leatherback sea turtles. Mr. Boyles reported that the commercial shrimp season may need to open prior to the next Board meeting. If this is the case, Board members will be informed via telephone. Mr. Davis made a motion to accept staff recommendation on the opening of the commercial shrimp season based on sampling data and to notify Board members by telephone. Mr. Ragsdale seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Boyles informed the Board that they have received the Ocean Commission report and staff will be working on recommendations for Governor Sanfords response.
- Land, Water and Conservation
Freddy Vang reported that while geologists were mapping in the Jocassee area rock samples were found on Wadakoe Mountain that contain limestone. This indicates the presence of ancient seas in that part of the State, which explains the unique plant life found in the area. Mr. Vang distributed copies two new publications available from his division; the Floodplain Management in South Carolina Quick Guide and the Ground-Water Resources of Lee County, South Carolina. Mr. Vang also reported that in early April, the River conservation staff took the DHEC watershed managers on a canoe trip on the Congaree River. This was a very congenial outing and was made at the request of the DHEC staff.
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Billy McTeer gave the Board a brief Teaming with Wildlife update. Mr. McTeer noted that he would like to present the 2004 licensed angler survey at a later date. Mr. McTeer distributed copies of the revised alligator protocol and noted that it will be operational on Monday.
- Law Enforcement
Col. Wright reported that BUI training sessions have been held in all four regions. Col. Wright informed the Board of the upcoming Zero Tolerance for Litter Weekend. Col. Wright reviewed the monthly case activities for the Law Enforcement Division.
- Administrative Services and Conservation Education and Communications
Carole Collins gave the Board an update on the magazine. Ms. Collins reported that license sales dollar amount has increased over this time last year. Ms. Collins informed the Board that the next ETV show will broadcast May 8, at 6:00 pm.
- Directors Briefings
- Legislative Report
Derrick Meggie highlighted the following bills: Summons Authority, ATVs, and Ocean Shad. Mr. Meggie also noted that there has been a $1 fee proposed for all license transactions to pay for Point of Sale IT costs.
- Habitat Task Force
Barry Beasley reported work is underway to provide the information contained in the department property database, i.e., agency lands, boat ramps, seasons, etc., that can be placed on the web and this information can be used as a management tool.
Chairman McShane expressed his appreciation to Hank Stallworth, Freddy Vang and other staff for their efforts on the Water Law Review Committee.
- Board Member Comments
Mr. Davis thanked Chairman McShane and Vice Chairman Campbell for their budget work and welcomed newly appoint Board Member Karen Floyd.
Chairman McShane also welcomed Ms. Floyd to the Board.
- Executive Session
At this time Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss contractual, legal and personnel matters. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Return to Regular Session
The Board returned to regular session and invited staff and guests to join the meeting.
Chairman McShane asked that staff proceed with exploring with the Budget and Control Board the possibility of incorporating certain navigable waterways in the lowcountry into a WMA program.
Mr. Campbell made a motion to accept a conservation easement on property located in the Camden area and to dedicate the property under the Heritage Trust. Further, acquisition costs of up to $2000 may be paid from the Heritage Land Trust Fund. Mr. Ragsdale seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Davis made a motion that the Department move forward with the replacement of the South Island Ferry with costs to be paid by the Yawkey Foundation and revenue from timber sales, with DOT continuing the management of the operation. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried with Mr. Ragsdale voting against the motion.
Mr. Davis made a motion that the Department move forward in pursuing a contract to introduce two colonies of RCWs on Lewis Ocean Bay with all the necessary language to be drafted in a letter of intent. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried with Mr. Ragsdale abstaining from discussion and vote.
Mr. Ragsdale made a motion that the Board accept the recommendations of the Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee of the conservation district commissioner appointments/reappointments with the exception of the commissioner emeritus, because it is felt that it is not within the Boards purview. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. The Board expressed concerns that the commissioner emeritus position is more appropriately an appointment of the Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee.
- Time and Location of the Next Meeting
The next meeting of the DNR Board will be held Friday, May 21, 2004, in Spartanburg.
- Adjournment
There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.