Board of the Department of Natural Resources
Marsh Clubhouse
Marsh Wildlife Management Area
Gresham, SC
Thursday, April 25, 2013 10:30 a.m.
The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 10:30 a.m., April 25, 2013, in the Marsh Clubhouse, Marsh Wildlife Management Area, Gresham, SC. Notice of the date, time and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Chairman John Evans presided at the meeting. Board members present included Cary Chastain, Michael Hutchins, Randy Lowe, Glenn McFadden, Norman Pulliam, and Larry Yonce. Board member Caroline Rhodes’ absence was excused. Director Alvin Taylor and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting.
- Call to Order
Chairman John Evans called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Invocation
Rev. Ron Kenyon, SC Law Enforcement Assistance Program, offered the invocation.
- Pledge of Allegiance
Norman Pulliam led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Introduction of Guests
Breck Carmichael, Special Assistant to the Director, introduced Sam Hiott, Breck Carmichael, Special Assistant to the Director, introduced Charles Howard, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee; Sterling Sadler, President, SC Association of Conservation Districts; Jimmy Lynch, Florence Conservation District Commissioner; Scott Whitaker, Executive Director, Coastal Conservation Association; and Mike Ruhe, Director of Environmental Affairs, Duke Energy.
- Constituent Comments
Charles Howard addressed the Board about feral hog management, including the possibility for incentives. Mr. Howard referred to the program in use in Texas.
Sterling Sadler addressed the Board about the cooperation and partnership between the Conservation Districts and DNR.
- Approval of Minutes
Chairman Evans offered the following amendment to the April 25, 2013 minutes.
The May Board meeting will be held Wednesday Tuesday, May 22 21, 2013.
Chairman Evans asked if there were any other amendments, additions, deletions or corrections to the April 25, 2013, meeting minutes. Mike Hutchins made a motion that the Board approve the minutes of the April 25, 2013, meeting as amended. Norman Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Presentations/Commendations
Director Taylor commended Jim Scurry for receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at the SC ARC User Group meeting for contributions to the GIS profession in SC.
Director Taylor commended Capt Gary Sullivan and Law Enforcement staff who hosted the International Association of Marine investigators Conference held at Isle of Palms.
Director Taylor commended Charles Ruth, Patty Castine and staff who hosted the 36th Annual Southeast Deer Study Group meeting in Greenville.
- Advisory Committee Reports
- Law Enforcement
Mr. Pulliam reported that the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee met at Marsh WMA. The Committee received updates on the hiring of the next class of officers and the budget. The Advisory Committee received presentations on the 5 year history of dove, duck and deer seasons, the Hunter Education program and Region 2 activities.
- Migratory Waterfowl
Mr. Hutchins reported that the Migratory Waterfowl Committee met on March 6 in Columbia. The Advisory Committee received presentations from John Devney, Delta Waterfowl Association and Jamie Rader, Ducks Unlimited. The art work for 2014/15 was displayed for the committee to view and tentatively select. The Advisory Committee held a conference call meeting on April 3 to vote on the new artist. Artist Donnie Hughes was chosen for the 2014/15 stamp print. The Advisory Committee has recommended to the Board that $13,000.00 of the print sales be sent to Ducks Unlimited of Canada. Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve $13,000 be sent to Ducks Unlimited of Canada. Mr. Hutchins seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Mr. Hutchins reported that the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee met April 23 at the Dennis Center. The Advisory Committee received presentations on the revised list of the State Wildlife Action Plan and the striped bass program and American shad management efforts. The Advisory Committee received a legislative update. The Advisory Committee then received a tour of the Bayless Hatchery.
- Land, Water and Conservation
Ken Rentiers, Deputy Director for Land, Water and Conservation, reported that the Land, Water and Conservation Advisory Committee met April 23 in Columbia. The Advisory Committee received program updates and a budget update. The Advisory Committee also recommended conservation district commissioner appointments and reappointments to the Board.
- Marine
Robert Boyles, Deputy Director for Marine Resources, reported that the Marine Advisory Committee met April 19 in Charleston. The Advisory Committee received presentations on the red drum fishery and the black drum fishery. The Advisory Committee received an outreach presentation on saltwater fisheries management.
- Item for Board Information
- Marsh WMA Overview
Sam Stokes, Jr. introduced staff working on Marsh WMA and gave the Board a brief overview of the property and the management practices.
- Climate Update
Hope Mizzell, State Climatologist, reported that the State is currently drought free. Dr. Mizzell then reviewed rainfall totals, precipitation percentiles, streamflows, lake levels and ground-water monitoring wells around the state.
- Feral Hog Management
Derrell Shipes, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, distributed and reviewed a fact sheet on wild hog. Mr. Shipes reviewed the estimated wild hog and coyote harvest by deer hunters from 2011 and the current law addressing pigs in the wild. The Board directed staff to research hog and coyote incentives and report back the findings.
- Director's Briefings
Director Taylor informed the Board of several legislative and constituent group meetings throughout the month.
Director Taylor spoke at the SC Seafood Summit on March 19 at the request of the SC Seafood Alliance.
Director Taylor met with Representative Bill Hixon and Georgia Representatives on March 29 about water and boating issues.
Director Taylor attended the Savannah River Caucus Georgia and South Carolina kick-off luncheon on April 16, at the request of Representative Don Bowen.
- Legislative Report
Director Taylor reported that the Senate will take up the budget next week.
- Environmental Report
Bob Perry, Director, Office of Environmental Programs, highlighted the following proposed projects, as contained in the environmental report in the Board meeting package: the draft Savannah River Drought Contingency Plan; Haile Gold Mine; Oakridge Landfill, Inc. in Dorchester County; South Island Dredging Association; and Charleston Harbor “Post 45” Deepening Project. Mr. Perry then reviewed highlights of the settlement agreement for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.
- Deputy Directors' Reports
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Emily Cope, Deputy Director for Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, presented the results from the SC Youth Bass Fishing Championship.
- Law Enforcement
Col. Chisolm Frampton, Deputy Director for Law Enforcement, reported on the graduation for the current class of officers and the status for the upcoming class.
- Marine Resources
Nothing further to report.
- Outreach and Support Services
Nothing further to report.
- Land, Water and Conservation
Mr. Rentiers provided the Board with the current Heritage Trust revenue report and gave them an update on water planning.
- Executive Session
Mr. Pulliam made a motion for the Board to hold an Executive Session to discuss contractual and personnel matters. Randy Lowe seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
- Open Session
Mr. Lowe made a motion that the Board return to regular session, noting that no actions were taken during Executive Session. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve the dedication agreement and trust easement to place the Vaught Tract within the SC Heritage Trust. Cary Chastain seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Lowe made a motion that the Board approve the modification of the July 2010 contract with Horry County to grant a right of way for a highway proposed along International Drive. The contact will be modified to delete bear and wildlife underpasses and bear fencing. The modified contract will require interstate highway type fencing, 35 mile per hour speed limit, warning signs and payment of approximately $122,000. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve the conveyance of a utility easement to Marlboro Electric Cooperative within the DNR’s Lake Wallace WMA in Marlboro County. Mr. Lowe seconded the motion and the motion carried.
- Time and Location of the Next Meeting
The May Board meeting will be held Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at the Yawkey Wildlife Center.
- Adjournment
There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.
The SCDNR Board Minutes for April 25, 2013 (PDF), have been provided in the Adobe PDF file format. Adobe® Reader® is required to open the above file and is available as a free download from the Adobe® Web site.