Board of the Department of Natural Resources

NOAA - National Ocean Service Laboratory Auditorium
219 Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, South Carolina
February 16, 2007 10:00 a.m.

The regular meeting of the Board of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was held at 10:00 am, on Friday, February 16, 2007, at the NOAA-National Ocean Service Laboratory Auditorium, Charleston, South Carolina. Notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting was posted and mailed to the news media. Chairman Mike McShane presided at the meeting. Board members present included Michael Campbell, Stephen Davis, John Evans, Frank Murray, Norman Pulliam, and Caroline Rhodes. Mr. John Frampton and staff members of the Department of Natural Resources were present at the meeting, as were various guests.

  1. Call to Order
    Chairman McShane called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  2. Invocation
    Chairman McShane asked The Very Reverend William N. McKeachie, Dean of Diocese of SC and Rector of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul and St. Luke, to offer the invocation.
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
    Vice Chairman Campbell led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  4. Introduction of Guests
    Hank Stallworth introduced Pat and Jan Robertson.

    Chairman McShane introduced Caroline Rhodes, the newest member of the DNR Board.
  5. Constituent Comments
    Mr. Stallworth noted that there were no requests for constituent comment.
  6. Approval of Minutes
    Chairman McShane asked if there were any additions, deletions, or corrections to the minutes of the January 19, 2007, meeting. There being no changes, Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board approve the minutes of the January 19, 2007, meeting as presented. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote.
  7. Presentations/Commendations
    Sam Hiott, Chairman, Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund and Jim Goller, Executive Director, Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund, presented the Department with a mock check in the amount of $179,425 for 2007 projects.

    Priscilla Wright presented the 2006 SC DNR Palmetto Wildlife Rehabilitation Award to Janet D. Kinser of Keepers of the Wild for the rescue and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wildlife.

    Ms. Wright presented the 2006 Palmetto Wildlife Veterinary Award to Brian King, DVA, of Pet Vet in Mt. Pleasant for his many years of caring for injured and orphaned wildlife.

    Mr. Frampton announced that SC DNR received the Land Conservation Award from the SC Wildlife Federation. This award was presented jointly to SC DNR, The Conservation Fund and The Nature Conservancy for the acquisition of Woodbury and Hamilton Ridge. Mr. Frampton thanked the land protection staff who worked on this outstanding project.

    Mr. Frampton commended Tom Kohlsaat, Lynn Quattro, Jen Reinhart and Denise Froehle for their work on the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy 2005-2010 publication that was selected by the South Carolina State Library to receive one of ten Notable State Document Awards for 2006.
  8. Advisory Committee Reports
    1. Heritage Trust
      Barry Beasley reported that the Heritage Trust Advisory Board met February 8 at Santee Coastal Reserve. The Advisory Board received a recommendation from Tim Ivey on equestrian usage on DNR properties. The Advisory Board passed a motion that equestrian usage be allowed on Laurel Fork, Ditch Pond and Henderson Heritage Preserves per DNR guidelines. The Advisory Board also passed a motion approving the participation of Heritage Trust staff and appropriate DNR staff in ongoing discussions with DOT regarding compensation and mitigation as the I-73 project proceeds. Dr. Beasley also informed the Board that a group of renowned Japanese archeologists visited South Carolina to see the shell rings.
    2. Waterfowl
      Breck Carmichael reported that the Waterfowl Advisory Committee met February 13 in Charleston. Mr. Carmichael informed the Board that there are indications that the early and late parts of the waterfowl season were better than have been but there seems to have been a lull in the middle. The Waterfowl Advisory Committee received an update on staff’s Avian Influenza sampling efforts and WMA hunts.
    3. Law Enforcement
      Mike Campbell reported that the Law Enforcement Advisory Committee met February 14. The Advisory Committee received updates on new hires, alligator legislation, deer tags, buck limits, and turkey tags. Maj. Gregg Smith gave the Advisory Committee a report on waterfowl season. Derrick Meggie reported on the legislative session, to date.
  9. Items for Board Information
    1. Saltwater License
      Robert Boyles reviewed the issues and history of the Saltwater License with the Board. Mr. Boyles also reviewed the effects of the Mangnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Reauthorization and questioned whether the current Saltwater Recreational Fishing License Program will satisfy the federal mandate.
    2. Shellfish Review
      Bill Anderson briefed the Board on legislation recommended by MRD’s Shellfish Working Group based on its final report, A Review of the Molluscan Shellfish Resources of South Carolina and their Utilization and Management. The Working Group’s review covered natural shellfish resources, SC State shellfish laws, DNR’s Shellfish Management Program and best commercial and recreational uses of public trust resources. Nine of the Group’s 18 issues will require legislation.
    3. Santee Cooper Striped Bass Public Meeting Results
      Wade Bales reviewed the summary of the public meetings held regarding Santee Cooper Striped Bass, noting that there were 238 attendees and 135 comments. After reviewing several suggestions received, the Board asked that a timeline/guidelines regarding double crested cormorants be presented at the March meeting.
    4. Sample Regulations Applicable to Specific Properties
      Tim Ivey distributed and reviewed a comprehensive report on DNR managed properties and their special features/use, noting that the handout is a revision of what was included in the Board package. After this review, Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board adopt the sample regulations, as distributed, allowing the Director the opportunity of reasonable changes with proper notification to the Board of these changes. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote.
  10. Items for Board Action
    1. Revised Regulations for Dargan’s Pond (Darlington County)
      Breck Carmichael reviewed the statute and the proposed changed in regulation for Dargan’s Pond. Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve the change in regulation as presented. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote.
    2. Grass Carp Stocking in Santee Cooper Lakes
      Chairman McShane noted that this item will be carried forward to the March meeting.
    3. Turkey Hunting Regulations
      Mr. Ivey reviewed the Turkey Hunting Regulations as provided in the Board meeting package. After some discussion, Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board accept the recommendation of paragraph one as presented. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote. Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board accept the recommendation of paragraph two as presented. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote. Chairman McShane noted that any action on paragraph three will be delayed until later in the meeting.
    4. Peters Creek Heritage Preserve Management Plan
      Mr. Ivey reviewed the Peters Creek Heritage Preserve Management Plan as provided in the Board meeting package. Mr. Pulliam made a motion that the Board approve the Peters Creek Heritage Preserve Management Plan as presented. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote.
  11. Director’s Briefings
    Mr. Frampton reminded the Board that their Statement of Economic Interests forms are due by April 15.

    Mr. Frampton distributed and reviewed a list of the 2007 DNR Top Ten Initiatives and asked the Board to review this list and make any comments to Chairman McShane.

    Mr. Frampton represented DNR at the House Ways and Means Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Subcommittee meeting on January 24 for the DNR budget hearing.

    Mr. Frampton met with Senator Gregory and later with Representative Billy Witherspoon on January 24 to discuss the budget and constituent issues.

    Mr. Frampton attended the Interstate Cooperation Committee meeting chaired by Senator Leatherman on February 7 on the interbasin transfer issue in North Carolina.

    Mr. Frampton participated in Mr. Pulliam’s confirmation hearing during the Senate Fish, Game and Forestry Committee meeting on February 7. Mr. Frampton noted that Ms. Rhodes’ appointment is scheduled for March 7.

    Mr. Frampton requested authorization from the Board to draft a letter to Jimmy Huggins, Southeastern Wildlife Expo, thanking him for allowing the Board and staff to participate in this event. This request was granted.

    Mr. Frampton will travel to Washington, DC on February 27-March 1, to participate in the Teaming with Wildlife Fly-in event and to meet with SC Delegation Members and their staff on the FY 2008 federal budget and funding issues related to the FY 2007 Continuing Resolution.

    Mr. Frampton asked the Board to allow staff to draft a letter opposing any sales of USFS land in South Carolina that do not benefit habitat protection. Mr. Campbell made a motion that the Board reaffirm their position opposing the sale of USFS lands that do not benefit habit protection. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote.
  12. Legislative Report
    Derrick Meggie distributed and briefly reviewed a summary of legislative activities for the week. Mr. Meggie addressed H. 3413 changing the catch limit for red drum from 2 to 5 in any one day. Mr. Evans made a motion that the Board support staff recommendation for the catch limit for red drum to be 2 in any one day. Mr. Davis seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote.

    Chairman McShane then asked for a review of H. 3150. After Mr. Meggie reviewed this proposed legislation further, Chairman McShane asked for input from CCA, but their representative was no longer present, Mr. Frampton recommended that staff ask that the portion dealing with flounder be considered separately, to keep the bill moving.
  13. Deputy Directors’ Reports
    1. Land, Water and Conservation
      Steve de Kozlowski informed the Board of a new publication: Groundwater Resources of Clarendon County, South Carolina, Report 40 was recently published and is available on the DNR website. Mr. de Kozlowski then distributed and reviewed a report on the current drought conditions.
    2. Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
      Mr. Carmichael reviewed the results of the 2006-07 Waterfowl Season and gave the Board an update on staff’s Avian Influenza sampling efforts.
    3. Law Enforcement
      Col. Taylor informed the Board that Sgt. Dawson has been nominated by the Post and Courier for the Jefferson Award. Col. Taylor reported that newly hired officers are attending the Academy and Wildlife Basic. Col. Taylor gave the Board a final update on the 2006-07 Waterfowl Season. Col. Taylor introduced Chuck Dial, who was recently promoted to Captain of Region 4. Col. Taylor informed the Board that Region 2 Captain Bill Frazier retired effective February 15.
    4. Outreach and Support Services
      Carole Collins noted that there were over 500 entries, representing 19 counties, in this year’s Jr. Duck Stamp Competition. Ms. Collins showed copies of the winners of each category.
    5. Marine Resources
      Mr. Boyles briefed the Board on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission plan for weakfish noting that it is imperative that a recreational size/bag limit be passed. Mr. Boyles commended Scott Meister on his receipt of the 2006 Jack Bayless Award from the SC Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Mr. Boyles then gave a status report on the Fishery Statistics Section and its reorganization.
  14. Executive Session
    At this time Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board hold an Executive Session to discuss contractual, legal, and personnel matters. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously with Ms. Rhodes abstaining from the vote.
  15. Return to Regular Session
    Mr. Davis made a motion that the Board return to regular session. Mr. Evans seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

    Mr. Campbell made a motion to acquire a contract for an inholding in Donnelley. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

    Mr. Pulliam made a motion to set up a project to acquire an inholding in the Jocassee area. Mr. Murray seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.

    Mr. Davis made a motion to amend staff recommendation, relative to turkey hunting regulations by striking item 3. c. Validate the tag record on the tag form adjacent to the tag that was used by writing in the date of kill, time of kill (a.m. or p.m.) and the county of kill. Mr. Pulliam seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
  16. Time and Location of the Next Meeting
    The March Board meeting will be held on Friday, March 16, at Mr. Evans’ office in Orangeburg.
  17. Adjournment
    There being no further business to be brought before the DNR Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned.