Welcome to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Whether you need to purchase a hunting or fishing license, want to get a refresher on the rules and regulations, or simply want to know where you should go, our agency provides resources to help anyone prepare for their next outdoor adventure.
South Carolina Wildlife Magazine
Each edition of South Carolina Wildlife is filled with awe–inspiring vistas, native wildlife species and informative field notes. Don’t miss out!
Stay Connected with SCDNR
SC Wild Blog
Game recipes, our efforts and a field guide are just some of the topics you will find on SCDNR’s blog.
Recent News Releases
- SCDNR Heritage Trust program collaborating with comparative archaeological study of historic pottery
- Archaeological survey at Green’s Shell Enclosure Heritage Preserve in Beaufort County open to public
- State leaders, conservation partners celebrate the Snow’s Island Assemblage, the largest conservation project in Florence County history
- Red-cockaded woodpeckers no longer federally endangered for first time since 1970
- Duck hunters, some important information about federal duck stamps