Lynches Scenic River Management Plan - 2003
The Lynches Scenic River Management Plan 2003 may be viewed in PDF format.
Appendix B of the Management Plan contains an overview of the Scenic Rivers Stewardship Program and links to the associated forms.
Executive Summary

A 54-mile segment of the Lynches River from US 15 near Bishopville to the eastern boundary of Lynches River State Park in Florence County was officially designated as a State Scenic River in March 1994. Subsequent to the designation, the Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) appointed a locally-based advisory council to develop a plan for long-term management of the river's natural, scenic, and cultural/historic resources. Chaired by the DNR, the Lynches River Advisory Council is composed of river-bordering landowners, recreational users, business and environmental interests, local government representatives, and natural resource managers.
From December 1994 through November 1996, the advisory council worked on development of a management plan. The first step was to define riverrelated issues. Six issue categories were identified including water quality; recreational opportunities; maintaining the scenic quality of the river corridor; the fisheries; wildlife and habitat management; and community involvement in the project. The next step was to study each issue in detail. Based on its findings, the council developed management goals and proposed responsive, workable means for dealing with the issues. This was accomplished through a consensus-building process that allowed input from all council members and the general public.
Lynches Scenic River Management Plan presents the results of the advisory council's intensive, two-year study of the river. The first two chapters of the document outline project history, selection of the advisory council, the study process, and public participation. The third chapter provides an assessment of land use in the river corridor and a description of the river's natural, scenic, and cultural/historic resources. Forming the core of the management plan, the fourth chapter presents six issue-specific management goals; an in-depth discussion of the respective issues; and 65 management recommendations. The fifth and final chapter provides a look to the future with details on the short- and long-term implementation strategy. The management plan is supplemented by two appendices. Appendix A summarizes the available water quality data for the Lynches Scenic River. Appendix B provides information on the South Carolina Scenic Rivers Stewardship Program, a voluntary land management program for riverbordering landowners.
Issues addressed by the management recommendations are as follows:
- Stewardship/Community Involvement (9 recommendations)
- Water Quality (21 recommendations)
- General recommendations (5)
- Point source pollution (9)
- Nonpoint source pollution (7)
- Fisheries (5 recommendations)
- Wildlife and Habitat Management (6 recommendations)
- Maintaining Aesthetic Appeal/Scenic Values (8 recommendations)
- Recreation/Public Access (16 recommendations)
- Public access (5)
- Litter (4)
- Navigation (3)
- Law enforcement (2)
- State Parks (2)
Dominant themes in the management plan include the need for increased water quality monitoring; strict enforcement of point source discharge permits to protect water quality; protection of the riparian zone; personal/corporate responsibility; and public education/involvement as a key management tool.
Project recommendations will be implemented utilizing management programs in a voluntary, non-regulatory framework. The advisory council will remain in place permanently to guide management of the Lynches as a State Scenic River. On a regular basis, the council will re-visit and update the plan to address current issues.