Project Participants - SCDNR MRD

Mike Arendt
Mike Arendt has been the fourth Principal Investigator of this program since May 2007. Mike holds a BS in Biology from the Virginia Military Institute, a MS in Marine Science from the College of William and Mary/VIMS, and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of South Carolina. Mike was hired by the SCDNR MRD to provide seasonal assistance to this research program during its first year of operation. Prior to his current employment Mike was a 'fish guy', and he credits SCDNR with his first opportunity to work with and study sea turtles.

Jeff Schwenter
Jeff Schwenter provides analytical and logistical support (notably as a Chief Scientist) to the in-water research program. Jeff holds a BS in Biology from Lake Superior State University and a MS in Marine Biology from the College of Charleston. Jeff was originally hired in 2008 to assess mercury concentrations in archived tissue samples, and has applied his laboratory skills by assisting Dr. David Owens with testosterone radioimmunoassays since 2009. Jeff has also provided invaluable statistical assistance since 2010.

Julia Byrd
Julia Byrd began her affiliation with the in-water research program as a graduate student in 2003 but has served as a chief Scientist since 2008, first as a SCDNR employee (through 2012) and since 2013 as an employee with the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council. Julia holds a BS in Biology from Wake Forest University and a MS in Environmental Studies from the College of Charleston. Julia has also assisted with sea turtle nesting monitoring as a seasonal employee at the Bald Head Island Conservancy and the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, and as a volunteer on Folly Beach.

S. Michelle Pate
S. Michelle Pate currently manages the Marine Turtle Conservation Program (MTCP) for South Carolina and has assisted with data collection for the in-water research since 2009. Michelle holds a BS in Biology and a MS in Environmental Studies, both from the College of Charleston.

Christopher Evans
Christopher Evans began assisting the in-water research program in 2015 as a seasonal deckhand and systematically took on additional data collection responsibilities across subsequent field seasons. Chris has a BA in Environmental Science from State University of New York (SUNY) Plattsburgh.

Dr. Al Segars
Dr. Al Segars began assisting the in-water research program during its first year of operation and served as its third Principal Investigator (March 2005 to April 2007) prior to becoming the Stewardship Coordinator for the ACE Basin NERR. Dr. Segars holds a BS in Biology from Clemson University and a DVM from the University of Georgia. Dr. Segars continues to serve as a sounding board with regards to health assessments and animal welfare.

J. David Whitaker
J. David Whitaker was the original Principal Investigator for this program through 2002, and holds a BS in Biology from Georgia Southwestern College and a MS in Marine Biology from the College of Charleston. Despite his responsibilities as the Assistant Deputy Director for the Marine Resources Division, David has remained engaged in this program through his reviews of manuscripts and as a participant in periodic discussions about future program direction.

Phil Maier
Phil Maier served as the second Principal Investigator for this program from 2002 until 2005, and is credited with streamlining data recording, fostering the development of the relational data base for the program, and preparing the first program Final Report. Phil holds a BS in Biology from East Stroudsburg University and a MS in Marine Biology from the College of Charleston. Phil continues to assist this research program as the SCDNR MRD media liaison.
We also wish to acknowledge the contributions of Bruce Stender, SCDNR (retired), who was the first field supervisor for the project through 2001, and on whose shoulders fell the responsibility of working out the logistics of collecting data in a multi-vessel, regional trawl survey.
Additionally, numerous personnel from the SEAMAP program and Vessel Operations have provided crucial logistical support at sea as well as on land. Ezra Lilly and Frederick Dockery are presently the captains of the RV Lady Lisa. We are also grateful to the following captains for their contributions over the years: Jeff Jacobs (retired), Robert Schrimpf, Mike Schwartz (retired), Randy Beatty (retired), Rob Dunlap, Tom Salisbury, the late Paul Tucker, and the late Gary Miller. Pearse Webster (SEAMAP) has been steadfast in his support through amicable scheduling and coordinating activities on land as needs arise. We also thank the following individuals for their assistance as seasonal deckhands: Jamie Williams, Todd Beser, Chris Kalinowsky, T.J. McKenzie, Brian Casey, Stephen Carmody, Brooks Charles, Robert Truex, Justin Fritchel, Lee Weller, Kristina Thompson, Siobahn Scott, Brian Walls, Ezra Lily, Henry DeVega, Brooke James, Jeremy Grigsby, Stephen Czwartacki, Daryl Weldon, Logan Bonner, Justin Greenman, Patrick Gerken, John Dupre, Jeffrey Sellazo, and Gary Sundin. We also thank Jessica Johnson, Dany Burgess, Jesse Alderson, and Eric Hiltz for their historical contributions to this in-water research program.