Turkey Tag Information

Haven't received tags and need tags immediately?

Go to print tags - https://www2.dnr.sc.gov/customerprivilegesportal

If you have just purchased turkey tags and want to hunt immediately, a temporary set of turkey tags can be downloaded and printed by accessing the Customer Privileges Portal on the SCDNR website at https://www2.dnr.sc.gov/ customerprivilegesportal.

These self-printed temporary tags are only valid until your permanent tags arrive in the mail.

4 easy steps on how to enter information on the screen

Illustration of Four easy steps to print  temp tags

  1. Type in last name
  2. Select year of birth
  3. Choose one identifing number:
    1. SCDNR Customer number
    2. Last four numbers of driver license
    3. Last four numbers of your Social Security Number
  4. Type number in field

Select the "Begin Search Button."

The resulting screen will show your privileges and what tags you have available. Then select the "Print tags" button.