What is Forest Stewardship?

The Forest Stewardship Program (FSP) is a FREE technical service program designed to encourage multiple resource management on private non-industrial forestlands. The FSP is administered through the SC Forestry Commission (SCFC) in cooperation with the SC Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), Clemson Extension Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
FSP encourages wise use of all forest-related activities including timber management, wildlife habitat management, recreation, aesthetics, grazing, and soil and water conservation.
Who is Eligible
Private landowners who own a minimum of 10 acres, with at least 5 acres of forestland; maximum acreage is not applicable.
Services Provided

- A forestland evaluation conducted by resource professionals.
- A 5 year written management plan tailored specifically to your property, based upon your immediate goals and long-term objectives.
- Subscription to The South Carolina Forest Steward, the official newsletter of South Carolina's FSP.
- Technical assistance from a Wildlife Biologist and/or a Forester at ANY TIME before, during or after the implementation of your management plan.
- Recognition as a Stewardship Forest through our certification process.
How to Join
Please contact your Forestry Commission Stewardship Forester for additional program information.