Webb Center Lakes

Webb Center Lakes are two small lakes (7-acres and 10-acres in size) located at the Webb Wildlife Center. Both lakes provide opportunity to harvest largemouth bass, bluegill, shellcracker, and catfish.
General Information

Property Location: Hampton, SC 29918
Latitude: 32.602
Longitude: -81.313
Acreage: 10
County: Hampton
Property Type: Public Fishing Lake
Hours of Operation:
Office Hours Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Area is open year round during daylight hours but will close on certain days for special hunts. Area will be CLOSED to visitors during ALL firearms/archery draw hunts.
The entire property is CLOSED to the public during scheduled lottery hunts.

From Columbia (Approximately 100 miles) Take Highway 321 South to Garnett. In Garnett, the road will fork, stay right on Hwy 119 turn right onto Augusta Stagecoach Road (S-20) (Across from Garnett Post Office), cross railroad tracks, go approximately 2.6 miles, James W. Webb Wildlife Management Area Entrance on left follow (1.5 miles) to office. Turn left at the Webb Wildlife Center entrance and follow the signs to the lakes.