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South Carolina State Climatology Office

Tropical Storm Kyle

Tropical Storm Kyle produced a strong F-2 tornado that touched down in Georgetown, destroyed 7 homes and caused major damage to a total of 28 structures and minor damage to 78 homes, businesses, churches as it traveled a mile through a residential neighborhood. Eight people were hospitalized for minor injuries.

Beaufort experienced very heavy rainfall, 3 o 5 inches of rain within a six hour period. Very heavy rainfall produced flooding in and around St. Stephen. Four to six inches of rain fell in 14 hours on already saturated grounds caused flooding in the College Park area of Goose Creek. Homes were flooded and numerous roads closed or impassable due to the high water.

Tropical Storm Kyle produced 4 to 10 inches of rain over eastern Clarendon County closing roads in low lying areas. The most serious damage occurred in Chitwood Mobile Home Park near Manning where 17 mobile homes were heavily damaged by high water, forcing about 50 persons to move to shelters. The final tally for damages is as follows: 1) Private bridge repair - $150,000 2) Private/public road repair $25,000 3) Chitwood trailer park - $85,000 4) Additional private homes - $75,000. Total damage estimates are $335,000. ($ 335.0K).

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